View Full Version : How to help my 8 year old son

Worried mummy
04-09-2013, 03:15 PM
Hi Everyone. I am trying to find ways to help my 8 year old son. His anxiety seems to be heridity as both my husband, father in law and the FIL mother suffered from this. Whilst my 8 year old comes off quite negative, it is apparent from his stomach aches that anxiety is the real cause of his problems. The poor guy has had to deal with a new school this year (which he has warmed too) and will shortly have to deal with moving houses (though it is to a house he is familiar with). I have brought the book 'What to do when you worry to much" to work though with him but I'm on the hunt for any good advice you can give me. How would you have liked your parents to deal with your fears and worries? What did they do wrong? I can sit and talk things through but he is often quite negative and doesn't seem to want to look on the 'bright side'. His concerns are plentiful and constant.

The way this issue seems to be stepping up, there is a real chance that this will be a huge problem when he is an adult so I would like to get started now before he ends up like his great grandmother and won't go outside and keeps all the curtains pulled. ( also does anyone know anything diet wise, essential oil wise etc that has helped them in any way because I would be keen to explore this too).

Many thanks for your time.

04-09-2013, 03:24 PM
Hi Everyone. I am trying to find ways to help my 8 year old son. His anxiety seems to be heridity as both my husband, father in law and the FIL mother suffered from this. Whilst my 8 year old comes off quite negative, it is apparent from his stomach aches that anxiety is the real cause of his problems. The poor guy has had to deal with a new school this year (which he has warmed too) and will shortly have to deal with moving houses (though it is to a house he is familiar with). I have brought the book 'What to do when you worry to much" to work though with him but I'm on the hunt for any good advice you can give me. How would you have liked your parents to deal with your fears and worries? What did they do wrong? I can sit and talk things through but he is often quite negative and doesn't seem to want to look on the 'bright side'. His concerns are plentiful and constant.

The way this issue seems to be stepping up, there is a real chance that this will be a huge problem when he is an adult so I would like to get started now before he ends up like his great grandmother and won't go outside and keeps all the curtains pulled. ( also does anyone know anything diet wise, essential oil wise etc that has helped them in any way because I would be keen to explore this too).

Many thanks for your time.

Is there anyone that he cud open up to as for him to be so negative for 8yrs old ... I wish mine had been sorted as a child as prob wudnt of ended up like I am now but I'm not sure what anyone cud ov dun ..... Mayb if my dctr had got me to see sumone at the time .... Sry cnt b much help

04-09-2013, 05:28 PM
For kids I'd ask his doc about fish oil supplements as they support good nerve function an formation.
There is indeed a predisposition to anxiety that is inherited as with other mental illness. Adopted kids develop it when parents had it, etc, but not the family that adopts so hate to bring that up. Just a tendency for not destined to it.
Besides fish oils(or a couple serving of the right fish per week) all you can do that I'm aware of is to keep trying to help him not assume the worst in any given experience he has. At it's root anxiety is the false perception of a threat or danger in many things where there isn't or is not that great as much as the anxious mind perceives it to be. That goes for the social arena as well. I wish I had more and/or better advise.
I would hold off on any med unless it's really obviously needed. Alankay