View Full Version : 6 weeks

04-09-2013, 02:47 PM
6 weeks ago I got a odd aching sensation around my groin, it came and went and wans't so severe so I tried to ignore it. A few days later it concentrated around the base of my penis, the tubes going to one testicle. I rang the dr who said it might be twisted and need to go to A&E immediately. This got me rather panicky.

After a check with a doctor and 2 urologists they said it felt slightly inflammed and gave me 6 weeks of antibiotics. I reacted to these so my GP gave me some new ones. After 5 days the pain continued so he upped the doseage and gave me prescription anti inflammatories too. THese worked but the course was only a week and 5 days later the pain returned.

I had an ultrasound (came back showing swelling in right teste). Went to std clinic as a precaution and got put on a 6 week course of antibiotics. 4 weeks into them now and the pain has come back all of a sudden.

I'm utterly fed up now, the pain is worse than it's been in a long long time and I simply do not know what to do. I've explained my situation in detail to so many GP's and Dr's. A month and a half of meds and nothing has fully resolved the situation. Even with the stonrg antibiotics and anti finlammatory it still hurt to press against the area.

Now the pain is back with a vengeance. I've missed os many days off work and managers are etting really annoyed now. Doctor even signed me off for 7 days to work form home, manager didn't allow it (which I believe is actually illegal). Most of my day to day work in the office is computer based. We get 10-20 calls each which at most is 1.5 hours total out of an 8.5 hour day. I can do all my work at home effectively but they have made me take all these days off as sick days AND expect me to do the work.

What's worse is the current 6 week course of antibiotics has made me photosensitive. I can't be out in bright lighting and office lighitng (fluorescent) is the worst, makes me feel dizzy, pounding headache and nausea. Hence the time signed off from work. Instead i've been put in a dark office for the next 3 weeks.

So now i'm just at a loss. At first this whole situation got me seirously anxious. But now, i'm just utterly dumbfounded by it all. 6 whole weeks and no improvement. I'm tempted to go to A&E now while it's late (9:45pm) but I wonder if i'd even be able to get seen by an actual urologist.

I got another appointment with a new dr at the hospitals STD clinic tomorrow. I don't know what they can tell me seeing as STD tests came back negative but apparently epididymitis can be caused by an STD as well as a general infection. I fear they might just refer me to a urologist which will mean another weke or so waiting around and the dr's hoping the medication will be effective.

Thing is I had swabs first time I went there which showed a minor infection. The second visit the swabs came back negative. The ultrasound showed swelling but the main area where it hurt the nurse couldn't scan because 2she wasn't qualified to scan and diagnose soft tissue".

I'm left feeling utterly helpess and really annoyed at this point. I thought anxiety pains all day everyday were bad but it seems that feeling like you've been kicked in the nuts virtually 24/7 for a month in a half is worse.


04-09-2013, 06:02 PM
Any muscle involvement? I've had issues when I've ran allot or did lots of crunches, etc. All the tissues around the muscles all pullin' and a twistin' ya' know? :) How long was the course of anti inflammatories? I had some courses go weeks for muscle strains but if it's inflammation that should help. It will help the anxiety to as the pain reminds you all the time of the whole deal. What a nasty cycle. Alankay

04-10-2013, 04:04 AM
Hi thans for the advice.

I'm starting to think it was the naproxen that helped me with the pain. The dr at the hospital said the pains can come and go for many months which isn't good news at all. He said take 400mg of ibuprofen 3 times a day. Guess I just have to wait and see.


04-10-2013, 05:18 AM
Yeah I prefer naproxen as it lasts about twice as long.:)