View Full Version : I have to ask a serious question for those with experience

04-08-2013, 03:47 PM
How do I tell my family I have thoughts of suicide? Should I even tell them? I don't want them to worry, but I just feel I need their support at this time. Should I just try to forget the thoughts? I'm starting to understand no one will really get the depression or psychosis I'm dealing with but me. I'm in the process of getting health insurance and I'm leaning towards trying therapy to help sort things out. What should I do? Or better yet, what have others going through this done? Hopefully your experiences will help me figure out what is best for me.

04-08-2013, 03:58 PM
Without question tell someone that will listen to you and do it today.

Let them help you make some important decisions.

04-08-2013, 04:29 PM
I would be more concerned about telling a professional than your family. Your family is the least of your concerns. You need to get help immediately for this. Not tomorrow, next week, some day or in a month. Right now, as you are reading this, call a Suicide Hotline and get help immediately. Even if you know you won't do it now, the fact that you are writing this post shows you need help NOW! Call a suicide hotline and tell them you need help now! See a professional about this who deals with this type of thing and get under their care right NOW!

04-08-2013, 05:37 PM
Yep. Talk this over as soon as you can with anyone from a priest, county Human Scvcs. Social worker, school counselor, crisis counselor, etc. Livf is just too precious but maybe you can't see that right now as you're feeling so bad. Alankay

04-08-2013, 05:59 PM
I have had these thoughts at diff times in my life , even as a youngster but I've been getting them agen & especially lately but they are just thoughts and I knw I wudnt do anytink and psychologist sed it's ok as everyone gets them at sumpoint in their life but if u feel its to much to deal with or u are concerned about them then I wud spik 2 yr dctr and they kan get u to spik to sumone..... Also hurting yrself , unles I was thinking ov really hurting myself or sumone else then psychologist isn't overly concerned