View Full Version : I feel like I'm losing it

04-08-2013, 10:13 AM
This anxiety is driving me crazy! If it's not one thing it's another. Last week I had a headache and thought I had a brain tumor. The week before I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Now I can't stop obsessively checking my pulse because I feel like it's too fast all the time. The doctor put me on new meds that can cause high blood pressure. I am on a very low dose and the majority of the people who get high BP from this med are at much higher doses. Intellectually I'm fairly certain it's just my anxiety but my body and obsessive part of my brain won't listen. I am so frustrated with this that I just want to cry all the time. I'm at work and really don't want to take a benzo while I'm working. Let me just say, this sucks!

04-08-2013, 10:19 AM
I'm in the exact same boat as you - this sucks really bad!

I've always been anxious growing up, but this February things got bad - worst anxiety and panic I've had ever in my life. I went to the Dr's and had extensive blood work and an EKG (which freaked me out, since I've always considered myself physical healthy, despite my anxious tendencies) - everything came back normal; though my BP has high and he gave me a low dose of Toprol and ativan to take "as needed".

I've been on it since the end of February.

04-08-2013, 10:22 AM
So difficult to deal with head problems when working and can't just rest your head. It is not easy to be logical with anxiety or depression but you sound like you are and that is really good, so well done for accepting that it is your head making you think you have all these problems. But if you get any symptom not sure about you should check with your doctor still to make sure, and then completely put your mind at rest.

04-08-2013, 01:10 PM
Yeah. Being logical poses a whole new problem. I know it's in my head but I can't change the outcome. Its so frustrating. Also, I miss being able to have coffee.

04-08-2013, 04:58 PM
Ohh no i went through that too. It drove me crazy. ! Just keep telling urself ur fine, over & over.

04-09-2013, 10:06 AM
Omg today is so much worse than yesterday. I don't know how much longer I can handle this!

04-09-2013, 10:14 AM
I know the feeling. It gets worse before it gets better. Hang in there. You can do it!

04-09-2013, 11:02 AM
Omg today is so much worse than yesterday. I don't know how much longer I can handle this!

Hang in there! I can totally relate to you and you are not slone

04-09-2013, 12:48 PM
Im new to this forum so hello to you all! I suffered from anxiety symptoms for almost 3 years with depression also. I am at a point in my life where I see these symptoms for what they truly are. An unrealistic representation of situations that my mind tells my body to feel.
I now feel stronger than before I had anxiety and depression mainly because instead of taking the medication that I was told to take (which made me feel worse! ), I didn’t just read about the ways that could help me become better, I actually started to do them and ignore what these symptoms were telling me. That’s when I realised that they are not real! Ive had every symptom, believe me! But I wanted someone to tell me and actually show me the ways, the food to eat, morning routines, ambitions! Well Im now feeling good and seek improvements every day. I willing to talk to people who feel like how I felt when I had nowhere to turn to, I want to give back. I appreciate my life and im going to give my time to people that want it. No cost. If you are interested then please let me know on this thread.

I am not a professional and not 100% anxiety free ( no one on this planet is! ) but I believe I am on the right path. just keep believing! Thanks for reading!

04-09-2013, 02:52 PM
Jbevis it sounds like you need to get some real help with your anxiety and depression. It is so difficult to carry on working as if you are OK and until you get a break from the intense anxiety it will get more and more difficult. I really struggled to carry on work in 2011 with support from NHS mental health nurses but in the end I tried reduced hours and then had to have a total break from work. I had to go into hospital and was off work for 5 months in the end but after a 12 week slow return to work in march 2012 I have now been back a full year. I am still struggling with head problems when pressured at work but have been a lot better since I took the break from work.

04-09-2013, 04:53 PM
Jbevis it sounds like you need to get some real help with your anxiety and depression. It is so difficult to carry on working as if you are OK and until you get a break from the intense anxiety it will get more and more difficult. I really struggled to carry on work in 2011 with support from NHS mental health nurses but in the end I tried reduced hours and then had to have a total break from work. I had to go into hospital and was off work for 5 months in the end but after a 12 week slow return to work in march 2012 I have now been back a full year. I am still struggling with head problems when pressured at work but have been a lot better since I took the break from work.

Your right Lin, I do. Just saw my GP and she gave me lorazapam and made me promise to take one every eight hours (I'm scared of that kind of meds, don't want to be dependant) until the Effexor starts working. I have my first therapy appointment on Friday morning, and my doc wants me to tell them I should be under the care of a psychiatrist. (Btw I'm in the US so don't have NHS). I can't afford to take time off work. I'm a temp and I don't get benefits so if I left I just wouldn't have a job anymore. Luckily I have insurance through my husband. I've suffered with this crap plus depression my entire life. I was doing so well for years until recently. Its frustrating when you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel but I'm trying to do the right thing and get help. I tell ya though, I'm sick of people telling me to do breathing exercises and to change my thinking. It does not work for me. I am someone who for whatever reason (genetics most likely) has to be on meds. Thanks for posting, it helps to know I'm not alone and that there are people who understand and care.