View Full Version : Why?

04-07-2013, 06:33 PM
Why is it I can go years without panic attacks them boom I get them all over again in full force ;( I'm not sure what triggers them but I can't work because of them and practically can't go anywhere. I wish it would stop for good!! I can't take it. It's so hard to live life experiencing these. My kids suffer, my friends think I just don't want to hangout. Nobody understands. Then it leads to depression like a big cloud is hanging over my head. I've been to the ER 3 times in the past 4 months thinking I'm having a heart attack or a stroke. I've had panic attacks since I was 17 I'm now 33. You would think by now I would have learn to "manage". It's affected my job I had to quit because of this. I've been on zoloft which I quit taking cause it wasn't really helping. The xanax was helping until I started experiencing blackouts (lasting only seconds). I just don't know what to do anymore!!!