View Full Version : THE MOOD CURE by Julia Ross AND L-TYROSINE

04-06-2013, 10:27 PM
hello folks! Quick question for those familiar with the mood cure by Julia Ross. How long can these supplements she recommends be taken? AND if I decide to stop popping these supplements everyday am I just going to fall back into a black hole? I heard that these supplements will restore balance and then you can wing off them and be great unlike SSRI's. Somebody fill me in! I took a supplement today I believe was L-TYROSINE and I WAS LAUGHING AND SO HAPPY THE WHOLE DAY. I had like no fucking stress!. It felt amazing and my mood was through the roof. I want this feeling to last. However I would not want to live with taking supplements the rest of my life but I will take them as long as I have to until it restores balance. Anyone got some insight?

04-06-2013, 10:32 PM
Yes! So happy finally someone on here is using the MOOD CURE! I think once your body is replenished you should be able to stop or take them less. My father has noticed that he rarely has to take his supplements anymore. It could take a few months maybe if year? Not really sure but he loves his Tyrosine I can always tell when he's taken it. I order all my supplements off Iherb or Swanson websites so they are fairly cheap.

Did the tyrosine effect your anxiety in any way? I haven't tried that specific amino yet because I heard it could make you more anxious. But I have also heard others say it took their anxiety away. Would love to hear your experience!

04-06-2013, 10:51 PM
Yes! So happy finally someone on here is using the MOOD CURE! I think once your body is replenished you should be able to stop or take them less. My father has noticed that he rarely has to take his supplements anymore. It could take a few months maybe if year? Not really sure but he loves his Tyrosine I can always tell when he's taken it. I order all my supplements off Iherb or Swanson websites so they are fairly cheap.

Did the tyrosine effect your anxiety in any way? I haven't tried that specific amino yet because I heard it could make you more anxious. But I have also heard others say it took their anxiety away. Would love to hear your experience!

it was really weird! At first when I took it I actually felt sort of anxious but as the day went on I just felt alot better. I cant explain it but I was happy and cheerful and I havnt laughed so much in my life. It just felt amazing. And I know tyrosine does that to people lol. Thats good that its not something you will have to take 24 7! IF i remember correctly I believe that once you are restored you will not have to take it anymore. That is absolutely amazing and so comforting!

04-06-2013, 11:19 PM
Yes so glad it is working well for you, I will have to give that one a try. Are you taking any other supplements from the book that you find helpful? I found that just changing my diet helped tremendously. As well as the Vitamin D which I found out I was very low in.

04-06-2013, 11:40 PM
Yes so glad it is working well for you, I will have to give that one a try. Are you taking any other supplements from the book that you find helpful? I found that just changing my diet helped tremendously. As well as the Vitamin D which I found out I was very low in.

Nope, I just take the L-tyrosine, but I heard that you should take it with vitamin b6 and with 5htp? Im just very cautious about taking to many things. Have you heard of that?

04-06-2013, 11:55 PM
I know the b6 helps with the absorption of amino acids. Not sure about the 5-htp. I know 5-htp boosts seratonin levels in the brain. I think your going about it the right way by taking one thing at a time and seeing the effects. I started my own little log to keep track.