View Full Version : Small change in dosage

04-02-2013, 06:47 AM
So I started out on 12.5mg of zoloft. I did really well with it. It made me sleepy, a little wired, but clear headed and I felt great for the first two weeks. I just upped my dosage to 20mg, and I'm a little nervous but I know it needs to be done. I am very medication sensitive, so that's why I am going low and slow! I hope I see an improvement, and my anxiety goes away!

04-02-2013, 07:00 AM
At least you are doing the meds. So many people here would benefit from them but because of their fears, they won't take it.

I am glad it is making you feel better. It really helps I think in the short term just to be able to put your guard down and just catch your breath for a bit

Always great to here some good news

04-02-2013, 07:07 AM
My thoughts exactly! It has taken a lot or me to even take them, and I contemplated upping my dosage. I know that it does make me feel better and it's a huge accomplishment for me!

04-02-2013, 07:14 AM
And celebrate the victories through this experience. People want to beat themselves up so bad for the slightest setback.

Be as proud of yourself as all of us are of you for kicking this disorder in the ass

Love your confidence going forward

04-02-2013, 07:42 AM
Thank you! You guys are awesome!

04-03-2013, 09:01 AM
So it's day two on my increase of zoloft. I slept okay last night. Woke up with a dry mouth and cough ( which is probably from allergies). Felt a little jittery inside, but very tired as well. I ate breakfast and felt a little sick to my stomach, but that went away. I hope I continue to feel somewhat okay!

04-03-2013, 01:54 PM
So it's day two on my increase of zoloft. I slept okay last night. Woke up with a dry mouth and cough ( which is probably from allergies). Felt a little jittery inside, but very tired as well. I ate breakfast and felt a little sick to my stomach, but that went away. I hope I continue to feel somewhat okay!

That is great news for you. Could be you are a little nervous taking a higher dosage so it is causing your belly to be a bit upset.

My allergies are kicking in as well. Do you live in the states or do you drive on the wrong side of the road?

04-03-2013, 02:42 PM
My allergies are bad too! I live in the states! How about you?!