View Full Version : New

04-01-2013, 12:37 PM
hello I am new hear . I deal with depression and anxiety . I was on medications for a while but they didn't help much and they are so bad for your health. I have things that I want to accomplish, a relationship that I want to last and family that I can't count on and friends that live very far away . I needed to find somewhere else that I can talk and vent because I don't want to burden my boyfriend with everything . I hope this site is it. I am so fed up of being anxious all the time and not just being able to be.

04-01-2013, 12:40 PM
Welcome hun

I find this is a perfect place to vent my feelings also! As my partner must be sick of me being down

Everyone's very nice & all look to help!

04-01-2013, 01:21 PM
Hi , I came on here bowt 2wks bak and it took sum days to get the hang ov it ... But yeah , it's cool

04-01-2013, 02:47 PM
Welcomed here and you can get some good advice here. Lots of good posts from people that either have gone through what you are or are experiencing it now

I understand the reluctance to meds and I don't advocate one way or another for them. Just do what you have to to get your mind rested so you can move on to find some answers

Lots of people here have taken meds either alone or with some other behavioral therapy with great results

Find what works best and the quickest for you.

04-01-2013, 04:00 PM
I'm new too, and am hoping this forum will be a place to talk about my anxiety and like was said not just talk to family and friends about it , as I feel sometimes they don't understand or they worry about me. I have panic and anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. It comes and goes ... And changes in intensity. Lately for the past few months its been higher and I'm back in daily Meds which I hate and which don't seem to be working all that great. So look forward to coming here.