View Full Version : Where to start?

03-28-2013, 02:48 PM
I don't know where to even begin.....

I recognize I have this "anxiety"...I've tried all sorts of benzo's, zolpidem, talk therapy. Lately I've been doing a holistic approach: schedules, good sleep hygiene, melatonin, valerian root, baths, tea....I even have depak chopra's xbox game for meditation, lol.

Now I have joined a forum for...support...?

I am almost 28 years old, educated, married to a pharmacist...shouldn't I have the best support? I feel like a whiner; like my panic attacks are a lack of self-discipline, that my agitation is something of my own creation.

I KNOW rationally, that dealing with this 'thing' is chronic...a working progress...but I am worn...the insomnia, constant worry, bowl problems, fatigue, fear-of-judgement, ect....is taking its toll.

Does anyone else feel like this? Like no matter how hard you try to DEAL with it in a practical, rational approach, it comes crashing down once again? It is so incredibly disheartening.

Where do you start again in that pile of rubble?

03-28-2013, 03:38 PM
I hear ya,

I had a tough first year of college depression, anxiety, the whole works. After the first semester I began feeling better. I promised myself I wouldn't go back. I got a job and felt great, I exersized and ate right and still that spring had a terrible crash. Worst anxiety I have had in my entire life, thought i was going crazy the whole nine.

I am having some recent nerviousness but I will say this forum was the greatest outlet for me the last time. People here understand and respond with comforting words. I am here to start feeling better and I hope you do too. This is the greatest therapy you can get, from the people, by the people.

You are also lucky to have a good support system, my parents are great as well. the best thing to do is to try and get a good outlet to help yourself feel better.

Good luck

03-28-2013, 03:45 PM
I don't know where to even begin.....

I recognize I have this "anxiety"...I've tried all sorts of benzo's, zolpidem, talk therapy. Lately I've been doing a holistic approach: schedules, good sleep hygiene, melatonin, valerian root, baths, tea....I even have depak chopra's xbox game for meditation, lol.

Now I have joined a forum for...support...?

I am almost 28 years old, educated, married to a pharmacist...shouldn't I have the best support? I feel like a whiner; like my panic attacks are a lack of self-discipline, that my agitation is something of my own creation.

I KNOW rationally, that dealing with this 'thing' is chronic...a working progress...but I am worn...the insomnia, constant worry, bowl problems, fatigue, fear-of-judgement, ect....is taking its toll.

Does anyone else feel like this? Like no matter how hard you try to DEAL with it in a practical, rational approach, it comes crashing down once again? It is so incredibly disheartening.

Where do you start again in that pile of rubble?

Yep .... I get ya.....
Bcz I've dealt wid this for over 20years I really cnt see a life any diff ( been honest ) can't see a life widout it , They started wen I was 11yrs old & even wen I hear pple have overcome them etc i think " really " ?

03-28-2013, 09:08 PM
But.......panicured did............

03-29-2013, 03:38 AM
I think everyone has set backs in their recovery and you have to just accept it is a blip and start your therapy strategies again. Sometimes you can let yourself get too low so strategies don't work, so best to try to recognise as soon as things are starting to go wrong and start helping strategies straightaway. Also, you have to accept what works for one person will not always work for you, or it does if you just tweak it a bit.

04-04-2013, 09:20 PM
Thank you for your supportive words...I know it may seem trivial, but it's kind of weird to be direct and honest with my thoughts for a change...then put them out in public...then actually have a response.

I'm used to journaling, self-doubting, anxiously self-analyzing everything I do and say. This has been a relief.

So again, thank you Marlow and good luck to you as well. Same to you locksey :)

04-05-2013, 07:50 AM
Thank you for your supportive words...I know it may seem trivial, but it's kind of weird to be direct and honest with my thoughts for a change...then put them out in public...then actually have a response.

I'm used to journaling, self-doubting, anxiously self-analyzing everything I do and say. This has been a relief.

So again, thank you Marlow and good luck to you as well. Same to you locksey :)

Yeah I'm lyk that to , but I dnt even journal ..... I keep everything in , I dnt tell pple what's goin on inside etc and how I'm really feelin......