View Full Version : cant seem to shake this

03-28-2013, 01:12 PM
For the past year I have been suffering from health anxiety. My major fear is that there is something wrong with my heart. I get heart palpitations every once in a while and was told by two doctors that they are nothing to worry about but I still cant help freaking out every time i get some. I worry that my next heartbeat will be my last. I am 26 years old and my life has been put on hold. Does anyone else suffer like this?

03-28-2013, 01:22 PM
Did you suffer from anything heart related in the past? If not, you should really try heart calming techniques like yoga and meditation. Sitting by the pool on a nice day while listening to meditation music helps a lot. Try to keep your mind distracted as much as possible. Swimming, biking, and hiking also help..

03-28-2013, 01:56 PM
no ive never suffered anything heart related, I'm always told everything I feel is from anxiety. Im trying my best to distract myself :)

03-28-2013, 02:04 PM
Yeah I stress over same thing " and other things "

03-28-2013, 02:58 PM
yeah it blows... especially when you think you are starting to get a handle on things

03-28-2013, 05:41 PM
I have the exact same issue. Been going on for over 10 years off and on. It's currently " on " and causing issues for me and my job. Don't know why I constantly worry about it. Been told by numerous docs that I'm fine.