View Full Version : Anxiety brought on by lighting and environment??

03-27-2013, 07:15 PM
This may sound sort of funny, but around 4pm I feel very anxious and depressed. If I don't like the lighting somewhere my mood is severely affected. Has this happened to anyone, and any advice/tips?

03-27-2013, 07:45 PM
Yes, this has happened to me as well. Sometimes the light outside can make the day seem a bit overwhelming when you suffer from anxiety. I would not recommend drawing the shades or trying to avoid it. The only way to overcome something that makes you anxious or depressed to do more of it. I know this sounds really hard, but it can be done. You just need to have really strong will power. In the beginning it will be hard, but as time goes on, you'll slowly start getting used it...

03-27-2013, 08:09 PM
Yes, I don't do well with neon lighting, or bright strobe flashing lights...

03-28-2013, 10:17 AM
Anxiety is just over stimulation really. Over stimulation of the nervous system, the mind and the senses often. Truly anything can cause this overstimulation to flare up. For me it was certain smells, certain temperatures. I remember if the temperature dropped in a day (which it often does in England) it would mean I'd get anxiety. If the weather was much darker when coming out of somewhere, than it was when going in, I'd get anxiety.

Try not to read too much into this sort of stuff. It doesn't mean anything. As long as you're healthy, it really shouldn't mean anything other than your body needs some relaxing and some help calming that overstimulation problem. Try to incorporate at least 2 relaxation methods in daily. They should help.