View Full Version : Panic attacks

03-25-2013, 10:00 AM
I have been having such a hard time lately with anxiety. I have had panic attacks everyday day so far for 3 days in a row. I don't know what the cause of them are. I had to leave school today because i had at school this morning. I felt light headed, dizzy. Like i was in a dream and going to pass out. I tried so hard to calm myself down, but i could not. I had to leave, to go home. It can be embarrassing. I don't know how to control these attacks and it makes me cry. I just want them to stop, to be happy. Please help. Can someone give me any advice or help me feel better. I just feel so bad about this. Its hard.

03-25-2013, 11:10 AM
Read the stickies, they will help you alot.

03-25-2013, 11:22 AM
Where do i find them

03-25-2013, 11:27 AM
Where do i find them

Are u on web or have you got the app on yr fone ? If on yr fone then they are next to the thread heading, not sure bowt website.

Do yr parents knw ? Mine started wen I was 11 and I went to the doctors but they didn't actually do anything , it's only been in this last year that I was referred to go and talk to sumone after goin thru a very bad patch bowt 4/5 years bak

03-25-2013, 11:30 AM
If on the web itself, its just above this thread. ;) you should go see a doc if you havent. Youre so young, be strong, you will get through this.

03-25-2013, 11:34 AM
Mine started when i was about 8. Im 15 now and i it comes and goes. My parents do know and i have been on medicine before. I think i need to get back on medicine, i have ha 2 attacks today already

03-25-2013, 11:37 AM
Mine started when i was about 8. Im 15 now and i it comes and goes. My parents do know and i have been on medicine before. I think i need to get back on medicine, i have ha 2 attacks today already

8 years old !!! That's really young .... The doctor told me I was very young at 11 to start having them but mine was due to home life

03-25-2013, 11:44 AM
Im very sorry. I dont really know why i have anxiety. Both my parents have it though. Thats the only real reason i can think of. It just comes out of the blue and i panic for no reason. Its really sad. And i feel bad for anyone who has it. I just want it to stop. I am just terrified of thinking about going to school tomorrow already because i feel I'm just going to keep having them.

03-25-2013, 11:50 AM
If you hadnt had therapy, please go. It will help you. Such a young age. Do you keep a diary? A diary for the events of anxiety and panic attacks?

03-25-2013, 11:50 AM
Im very sorry. I dont really know why i have anxiety. Both my parents have it though. Thats the only real reason i can think of. It just comes out of the blue and i panic for no reason. Its really sad. And i feel bad for anyone who has it. I just want it to stop. I am just terrified of thinking about going to school tomorrow already because i feel I'm just going to keep having them.

U dnt want to get to that stage " where u avoid " it's just add-ons to panic disorder and its not nice and if it becomes to much pple bcum housebound & u certainly dnt want that

03-25-2013, 12:06 PM
So i should go to school and deal with it and face it

03-25-2013, 12:26 PM
So i should go to school and deal with it and face it

I would say yes but not saying it will be easy if yr getting yrself worked up bowt goin .... I tend 2 avoid so that's why I'm telling u not 2 as its not a nice route and affects a lot ov yr life.... Just think " I'm in school , I kan leave if I want to and no-one kan really physically stop me " that's how sumtimes I have to look at it wen I'm at wrk .. I dnt line feeling trapped sum where especially if I'm not feelin gd so I think " no-one can stop me walkin out ov my job , what's the worst that can happen ? I'd loose my job "

Not sure if any ov this helps ( I'm new on this forum "

03-25-2013, 12:31 PM
Im new too. That is definitely going to help me tomorrow though. I hate feeling like I'm stuck somewhere especially when I'm feeling like that. Thank you soooo soo much. That is true. Technically i can leave school when ever i need too. I can just call my mom. But that doesn't mean i should, i just need to trick myself in thinking that i can leave

03-25-2013, 12:35 PM
U dnt want to get to that stage " where u avoid " it's just add-ons to panic disorder and its not nice and if it becomes to much pple bcum housebound & u certainly dnt want that

I completely agree, I ended up caving into my panic disorder when it came on full force two years ago and I ended up off work. I thought I could just relax get it together and go back to work but it was super hard and I don't recommend avoidance. I would say try and keep trying.

03-25-2013, 12:42 PM
I agree with you guys. Thank you. I just need to face this and keep trying, or it will never get better. It definitely is a fight, and i know i want to and I'm going to win. I just need to keep trying. Everyone does.

03-25-2013, 12:47 PM
Yeah , that's what I do .. Tell myself " no-one kan stop me , I cal walk out , leave etc etc..... It's knowing I cnt leave sumwhere or feeling I cnt that kan start a panic attack 4 me

03-25-2013, 12:47 PM
I agree with you guys. Thank you. I just need to face this and keep trying, or it will never get better. It definitely is a fight, and i know i want to and I'm going to win. I just need to keep trying. Everyone does.

Hope u get on ok 2mrw... :-)

03-25-2013, 12:55 PM
Thank you very much

03-26-2013, 02:25 PM
How was skool ?

03-26-2013, 02:34 PM
I didn't go. I couldn't do it. I freaked out. I don't know what I'm going to do.

03-26-2013, 02:52 PM
I didn't go. I couldn't do it. I freaked out. I don't know what I'm going to do.

I'm goin to tel u to do sumink I find hard wen pple tel me to .... U need 2 do it ... !!
Even if u go then leave early .. It wil become harder if not , u only got 2 dayz left b4 Easter break up ( I wrk in a skool ) ...

03-26-2013, 02:52 PM
I'm goin to tel u to do sumink I find hard wen pple tel me to .... U need 2 do it ... !!
Even if u go then leave early .. It wil become harder if not , u only got 2 dayz left b4 Easter break up ( I wrk in a skool ) ...

Ru in Birmingham ?

03-26-2013, 03:03 PM
No i am not. But i only have tomorrow and them I'm on easter break for 11 days. I don't know i might try it tomorrow. Im just scared.

03-26-2013, 03:31 PM
No i am not. But i only have tomorrow and them I'm on easter break for 11 days. I don't know i might try it tomorrow. Im just scared.

Please try ... Mine started at skool and I spent time off skool , time off wrk , time not doin the things I want or goin the places I'd like 2 go ... I shud ov been goin away with friends last wkend but I cudnt ... U really dnt wan this to go downhill as that's what happens , it's starts and things add to it

03-26-2013, 03:31 PM
Please try ... Mine started at skool and I spent time off skool , time off wrk , time not doin the things I want or goin the places I'd like 2 go ... I shud ov been goin away with friends last wkend but I cudnt ... U really dnt wan this to go downhill as that's what happens , it's starts and things add to it

Do yr skool know?

03-27-2013, 12:24 AM
I didn't go. I couldn't do it. I freaked out. I don't know what I'm going to do.

Im battling a bad bout of panic disorder. I cant leave the house without my mum or bf. I cant be alone with one of these 2 ppl. I have a 4.5yr old little girl so i freak when im with her. Im scared im going to pass out im scared im going to loose her. This has been going on for 4weeks now. I cant tell u to take it head on because i should then take my own advice. I have found there is no point making myself sick & anxious pushing myself (u do have to, to an extent though) i have gotten extremely anxious & panicky. Have just started my first dosage of meds this morning. Feeling like im on a sleepy exstacy pill but hoping it will eventually work & calm me down again. I am also in therapy. Maybe find someone u can talk to ?

03-27-2013, 02:16 AM
Let me know hw u got on 2day

03-27-2013, 11:51 AM
I didn't go to school today. Im going to docs tomorrow

03-27-2013, 12:27 PM
Go to the doc tomorrow and stay off school. You are not afraid of school. How ridiculous would that be unless you have a gang problem and people really were trying to bust a cap in you

Your anxiety is afraid of school. When you get a little calmer, you will have no problem becoming that honor student you probably are

Take the 11 days to heal your mind a bit. That is the first thing to do. Get things under control so you can think a little more clear

The go back after Easter break feeling better and you will gain all your confidence back

Just take what your doc says as truth

We as anxious a people for some reason think we know waaaayyyyy more than they do

Don't read too much into all the nonsense in your head right now. It's just noise from this great disorder of ours

Be well

03-27-2013, 02:34 PM
Go to the doc tomorrow and stay off school. You are not afraid of school. How ridiculous would that be unless you have a gang problem and people really were trying to bust a cap in you

Your anxiety is afraid of school. When you get a little calmer, you will have no problem becoming that honor student you probably are

Take the 11 days to heal your mind a bit. That is the first thing to do. Get things under control so you can think a little more clear

The go back after Easter break feeling better and you will gain all your confidence back

Just take what your doc says as truth

We as anxious a people for some reason think we know waaaayyyyy more than they do

Don't read too much into all the nonsense in your head right now. It's just noise from this great disorder of ours

Be well

you said your not afraid of school then said you are, what was that part about? ps, i know plenty of people terrified of school and i'm one of them. its not a rediculous fear.

03-27-2013, 02:38 PM
It's cool ... Dnt stress , let me knw hw u get on at dctrs

03-27-2013, 03:03 PM
you said your not afraid of school then said you are, what was that part about? ps, i know plenty of people terrified of school and i'm one of them. its not a rediculous fear.

My point is that if you were not anxious, you wouldn't be afraid of anything irrational. Meaning you wouldn't not go because you didn't want to feel anxious.

And it is an irrational fear. When you heal a bit, you would see that it doesn't scare you

I understand people being afraid to go to school for a real issue like getting beat up, tests, etc...

But if you have a fear of going to the mall or a restaurant, it's the anxiety that makes you afraid

Realize it is just anxiety symptoms and not real will put you on a swift path to recover.

04-11-2013, 01:05 AM
That post is really good I will have to rememer that.