View Full Version : weird dreams...can someone tell me what they could possibly mean?

03-21-2013, 06:41 PM
Long story short. I had a dream last night about this dude I got into a fight with in 8th grade and lost. (I got badly hurt) I have no idea why he was in my dream. But anyways in the dream he called me gay? Like it was totally random. now I have a girlfriend who I have been with for 4 years so I can assure myself I am not gay. But at a time during my anxiety I had intrusive thoughts of being gay. (I have nothing against gay folks) Is this dream trying to tell me im a homo? I feel stupid asking this because I know its not true! Or is it just a random fear that happened to just pop up?

The 2nd dream was actually a fear. I have intrusive thoughts of BECOMING depressed and going crazy and hurting myself. Please keep in mind I have NEVER been suicidal in my life nor depressed. Anxiety does bring me down sometimes but never to the point of depression. I would just say bad moods really. But anyways in the dream my mom showed me a pistol. After she showed me I got scared and woke up. Now I did some observation and MAYBE if I go to like a shooting range or something it will help me overcome my fear that is haunting me possibly? What do you guys think? Maybe this is a personal cure for myself? Just to show myself that im not crazy, im not suicidal, and I wont off myself or anyone around me. What do you guys think of this? Could this be what is bothering me? Also this fear developed AFTER sandy hook happened.

Suicidal Depression
03-21-2013, 06:47 PM
I've had some wild crazy dreams to. Dreams of my dying. Shit like that. In my opinion if you had stuff on your mind that was stressing you out before you fell asleep, your subconscious mind will paint a picture of that feeling. I've had the same intrusive thoughts about being being gay. Now I have never been in that long of a relationship, but I can tell you I have never been attracted to a male.