View Full Version : Has anyone here found out their anxiety was caused by sleep apnea?

03-21-2013, 01:19 AM
I'm really starting to wonder if I have an undiagnosed case.
Every night while I doze off, my breathing feels more forced and shallow and I wake up during the night a lot. Last night it was each hour for I think two hours (these things are hard to tell) and then for another 4. I urinate a lot but that's because I drink a lot of water, and have to drink more because the doctors found out last night I'm dehydrated. But anyway, sometimes shortly before waking or shortly after I can feel my breath.

A couple years back,l I used to wake up gasping but I'm pretty sure that was acid reflux because it always happened after I ate high acid food (like steak & a1 sauce or something like that) and it's happened to me even while awake.

This is why I'm worried:
-The breathing issues
-Waking up so much
-Not feeling rested

This is why it's a gray area:
-I'm not overweight, I'm actually almost underweight
-I'm small, not short but small framed. I'm ectomorphic and I have a narrow neck
-Anxiety is still very bad, and I'm aware anxiety causes breathing problems
-I haven't gotten REALLY good sleep in a long time and I have loads of sleep debt, so I can't say for sure that It's not just simple exhaustion
-Sleep fragmentation was never this bad before anxiety got out of control.

Last night I slept decently but the first couple of times I woke up I felt positively strained... every last muscle was like.. flexing hard. IT was so weird. I kept thinking my body was done for.

Im wondering if the anxiety is causing the symptoms or if the anxiety is caused by the apnea (if present). It makes me hesitant to use my sleep medicine because I heard that's not a good mix. My GP thinks I DONT have it but all he really said was "no... very unlikely at your size" and blew it off. Could I get maybe a consultation with a sleep clinic?

Anyone else with anxiety felt you had sleep apnea? I'm just concerned. Maybe I have no such thing. I really hope I don't!


PS, what short term solutions are available for people who suspect something? I know they make mouth pieces. What about an oximeter to see if my oxygen goes down?

05-18-2013, 03:31 PM
Yeah, I think I have sleep apnea too, but I am overweight. Not sure what to do.

05-18-2013, 04:27 PM
My guess would be your anxiety is caused by your fear of dying in your sleep.

Make sure you have a sleep center diagnose you if you have apnea

Extremely rare when someone dies from that. But not feeling rested like you do is common.