View Full Version : fainted kinda

03-20-2013, 02:19 AM
for some reason i was at work and helping a customer then all of a sudden i felt like i was about faint like my head just slowly started falling down i didnt faint alll the way but it was just crazy kind of faint feeling and then i panic after... can anxiety cause this?

03-20-2013, 02:32 AM
Most definitely

03-20-2013, 03:42 AM
It was like I had a head rush and almost like I was falling forward without control

03-20-2013, 03:41 PM
idk its just a little scary when its never happend b4

03-20-2013, 05:01 PM
i hate this feeling..... it sucks.... dont know whether or not to go too the hospital or not but ive been there so many times.... its not even funny

03-20-2013, 05:07 PM
i dont even kno wether or not to go to the hospiital anymore.... i always get sent away eve with new symptoms..

03-20-2013, 06:02 PM
Yeah your breathing is way off and that's part of it. Alankay

03-20-2013, 07:23 PM
i dont even kno wether or not to go to the hospiital anymore.... i always get sent away eve with new symptoms..

I can definitely relate! I have had that feeling happen many times! It can be a really really scary feeling! I always feel like I am dying when that happens and it causes me to be scared of every sensation in my body.

But a friend of mine told me...you can't be scared of every twinge...you are just alive. pains and twinges and odd feelings may come and go all of the time, especially as you get older. I try to remember that now when I am freaking out about something and keep myself calm. It doesn't always work but sometimes I can nip it in the bud. It really is a tough battle when you have anxiety or panic disorder, people don't realize it but your not alone! :)

Alice Pimm
03-21-2013, 02:38 AM
its probably maybe if u are breathing funny cos my therapist told me that u wont faint from adrenaline cos its designed to keep u alive. she said it can feel similar sometimes cos its such a rush bt u wont faint from it