View Full Version : Day verses night

03-19-2013, 01:38 PM
Anyone out there that finds it hard mayb walkin to the shops , goin on transport etc in the daytime but yet at night u feel safer and kan go anywhere / do anytink ?

03-19-2013, 01:40 PM
That's a really interesting comment Locksey. I was the opposite. I much preffered day to night, for the obvious reasons. However, I did love rainy days when it was quiet, and everybody looked a little bit rough and ready. I'm sure there are many types of people who probably do prefer night.

Why is it that you prefer night? It should give you a good insight into your anxiety.

03-19-2013, 04:39 PM
That's a really interesting comment Locksey. I was the opposite. I much preffered day to night, for the obvious reasons. However, I did love rainy days when it was quiet, and everybody looked a little bit rough and ready. I'm sure there are many types of people who probably do prefer night.

Why is it that you prefer night? It should give you a good insight into your anxiety.

I never knew why but psychologist a mth or so bak told me its similar to agoraphobia .. As in , big open spaces " daytime " ..... Night time is dark so more closed in so feels safer ... Made sense wen she told me

03-19-2013, 05:20 PM
I am the same way locksey. It is much easier for me to cope in the night time than it is in the daylight. I usually wake up every morning feeling anxious and it gets steadily better the later it gets.