View Full Version : I. Can. Do. This!

03-19-2013, 09:44 AM
Pessimism takes over me quite often. I struggle finding the optimism in challenges and struggles. Today I see my gp for skin cancers. I can't get into dermatology for a month. That in an of itself frightens me.

03-19-2013, 10:32 AM
I know what you mean, since my anxiety started I have become quite the pessimist, I still struggle to find the good in a lot of things but when I look back at all anxiety has put me through I have so far come out ok, so for the past few months I have started saying to myself "whatever happens I have the strength to get through it" even though I question my strength a lot I know deep down inside I can take whatever life wants to throw at me. Anxiety and panic have taken away everything my life used to be but I am still here and fighting. I wish you well at your doctors appt. Just remember all of us anxiety sufferers are some of the strongest people on the planet weather we realize it or not...stay strong :)