View Full Version : Scared of surgery tomorrow

03-14-2013, 10:14 PM
Tomorrow I am having surgery on my elbow and I am scared to death. I feeling like Im going to die tomorrow. Im also afraid of having a panick attack during the surgery. Please help me to relax!

03-14-2013, 10:19 PM
i had surgery on my elbow too. dont worry itll be over before you know it. :) promise

03-15-2013, 01:04 AM
Tomorrow I am having surgery on my elbow and I am scared to death. I feeling like Im going to die tomorrow. Im also afraid of having a panick attack during the surgery. Please help me to relax!

I know this feeling all too well. On my 11th birthday I had to have surgery on my foot, and then just a little over a year later I had to get put to sleep because they needed to take out 4 teeth. Both times I thought something bad was gonna happen and in neither cases did it come to pass. I've ALWAYS had this habit of assuming horrible things are gonna happen.

You'll get through it, though looking at the time of the post it looks like it's over already. If you want to talk i'm always here, so PM me

Btw you're a lot safer in a hospital than you'll be anywhere else

God Bless, you'll be fine!

03-15-2013, 02:11 AM
I suffer with health anxiety very badly. Its just taken me over a year to have a endoscope as i was so worried and yet i was in pain. I was scared to death something bad would happen .....i didnt have any needles as im also scared of those. Now i have had it done, i know it wasnt that bad and if i had to have it done again i could do it but i dont really want to go through it again, as its to do with my health. I panic waiting to go in to see the doctors, even going to the doctors for somebody else.

I can understand your worry i go through all sorts of emotions and it doesnt mean a thing when others tell you " YOUR BE FINE!" I have to say to myself they do this type of operation everyday. They are the experts and they know what they are doing, iam in safe hands.

One doctor told me ....Our brain is a wonderful thing and it can heal you quicker than medication. You have to remain positive about things and have positive thoughts. If you have a leg operation and you feel sorry for yourself and panic about, your be in hospital longer than you should be. Where if you say to yourself my leg is better... i will get better ....every day i will be stronger....i will be walking around on it in no time, sometimes you will be home quicker.

I would mention all your fears and worries to the doctors/ surgeons etc, when you go in. They can answer all your questions and reassure you. Iam going to say.... You will be fine, because YOU WILL BE FINE!

03-15-2013, 05:13 AM
Wish I saw this earlier. Hope you read it before your surgery. I had a hysterectomy In oct I worried so much about it and too was afraid something would happen. I was able to take Xanax on the morning of surgery. It helped me a bit. I also told everyone that came to see me in pre op that I was a basket case. They were so very nice. My long story short is you'll be in great hands and the anticipation is much worse then the procedure.