View Full Version : Antsy

03-14-2013, 07:49 AM
So I'm sitting here in the doctors office and I've been waiting for 20 minutes. Ever since my anxiety got worse, my legs seem to be restless and sitting down for a long time starts to agitate me and I become very irritable. I feel like I need to walk out of here.

03-14-2013, 08:13 AM
Don't go!

You are the one calling the shots, not that tricky bastard

If you have to, take a walk up to the front desk and ask "WTF is taking so long."

03-14-2013, 09:18 AM
It wasn't even that long. I just get really restless and uncomfortable. Then it's like the whole waiting room is empty and the one person who comes in sits next to me, meanwhile there's 30 extra seats. So then I feel weird using my cell phone because I think they're watching everything on the screen. I'm such a cranky bitch sometimes. :P All they had to do was take blood.

03-14-2013, 10:30 AM
It wasn't even that long. I just get really restless and uncomfortable. Then it's like the whole waiting room is empty and the one person who comes in sits next to me, meanwhile there's 30 extra seats. So then I feel weird using my cell phone because I think they're watching everything on the screen. I'm such a cranky bitch sometimes. :P All they had to do was take blood.

That's ok, I'm a cranky bitch a lot of the time lol

03-14-2013, 11:27 AM
Yeah, I guess I am too. It happens. It's cool we can admit it! :) Luckily people around me understand. I probably give them hell.