View Full Version : Zoloft and Stuff

03-11-2013, 09:18 PM
So I'm on day 6 with Zoloft and maybe it's all in my head, but I think it's working already.
I feel pretty stable all day and my unwanted thoughts have been minimal. Even when I had them, I didn't really test them. It seemed ridiculous to me?
Days like this only happened 2 time before in the past 8 months so I'm thinking it's Zoloft.

I hope it gets even better. :)

I'm actually able to listen to music, which is something that has given me anxiety because every song would make me feel sad. Today I'm jammin :D

03-11-2013, 09:39 PM
Well I don't really expect it to be a cure-all. I know when I have bad days it's very hard for me to think clearly. I know I'm going to have more bad days, but for now I like this.
Remember when we were talking about you sick?
Well right now I don't remember what it's like to have bad anxiety.
Just like I don't remember what it's like to feel kinda normal when I have bad anxiety.

:) It all happens when I wake up. I wake up feeling a certain way, like anxious...and that usually will determine my whole day. If I wake up in a fit, it's a battle all day. I've noticed I haven't been dreaming and I'm sure that helps. I usually dream very vividly, down to the very smallest detail. I love having dreams that I don't remember!