View Full Version : Prilosec

03-11-2013, 08:08 AM
Omg so I've been experiencing dypseia and a little acid reflux due to the stomach bug I got a few months back so my doctor gave me omperazole( Prilosec) 40 mg. took the first dose yesterday and omg my stomach hurts and I have these gas pains in my lower abdomen. It's not like severe pain or anything but definitily making me a little nervous because I have a fear of throwing up. So I'm sitting in my car at college before class starts hoping I don't skip just because of a tiny stomach pain. But had anyone gone through this? Any remedies? Should I go back to the doctor or quit myself? Oh btw I'm 22 fairly healthy, thin (99 lbs) and a little active. Just thought I'd put that our there.
Thanks guys :)

03-11-2013, 05:41 PM
I take the same thing and my doc told me to take it before eating. Weird as this may sound burping helps with the stomach pain a little. Talk to your doctor they may recommend taking at a different time, I hope this helps.

03-11-2013, 11:50 PM
Been on Prilosec for years. It's amazing with acid reflux and IBS. Went off of it one time and my acid was unbearable. Lifesaver. Stay with it if it works. Takes about 2 weeks to notice a change. Good luck.