View Full Version : Emetophobia

03-10-2013, 12:59 PM
I've recently been diagnosed with emetophobia, I've had a problem with anxiety for about 3-4 years but only recently narrowed it down to emetophobia, and I'm starting CBT this week....

Has anyone been through similar? Any tips for relaxation? I'm so tense when eating that I get indigestion after EVERY meal.

I also feel like all the things you read online like 'the truth about viruses for emetophobes' just makes it so much worse!!

I'm so exhausted from feeling like this, I miss the old me!!!

I need small simple tips for everyday getting by, like herbal remedies? Good things to eat?

06-13-2013, 12:56 AM
I've recently been diagnosed with emetophobia, I've had a problem with anxiety for about 3-4 years but only recently narrowed it down to emetophobia, and I'm starting CBT this week....

Has anyone been through similar? Any tips for relaxation? I'm so tense when eating that I get indigestion after EVERY meal.

I also feel like all the things you read online like 'the truth about viruses for emetophobes' just makes it so much worse!!

I'm so exhausted from feeling like this, I miss the old me!!!

I need small simple tips for everyday getting by, like herbal remedies? Good things to eat?

I believe I've had emetophobia since I was about 10. I am now 19, and recently learning about it. I also have a ton of remedies for nausea or anxiety that are non-prescription. Ginger is good for nausea and upset stomachs. You can get it in pill form over the counter in the supplement aisle or you can buy and sip on a ginger ale all day. For me I use Benadryl (allergy medication) to ease my anxiety or nausea. A good thing about it is it makes me hungry, so I eat but feel fine after and during. It also makes me tired, so you may wanna take it at night. Marshmallows are good for digestion so they may help as well. Sucking on peppermints is also a natural way of alleviating nausea. Hope this helped!

06-13-2013, 07:09 AM
I've recently been diagnosed with emetophobia, I've had a problem with anxiety for about 3-4 years but only recently narrowed it down to emetophobia, and I'm starting CBT this week....

Has anyone been through similar? Any tips for relaxation? I'm so tense when eating that I get indigestion after EVERY meal.

I also feel like all the things you read online like 'the truth about viruses for emetophobes' just makes it so much worse!!

I'm so exhausted from feeling like this, I miss the old me!!!

I need small simple tips for everyday getting by, like herbal remedies? Good things to eat?

Hello I believe I've had this for 4 years and I'm 17 now, not done much about it other than try and manage it but I recently went to my doctor about my anxiety and told him about this fear and he gave me 10mg Domperidone to stop me from vomiting. You take them when you want and up to 3 times a day but if you do not wish to take medication then maybe try some herbal remedies such as the ones suggested :) good luck!

11-12-2013, 10:10 PM
Glad to hear I'm not the only one!

I have been diagnosed with GAD, and stuck on 10mg of Cipralex daily, and 1mg clonazepam as needed. It has been roughly 3 years now and I still fight with panic attacks every day. My version of an attack is I get queasy and feel like I'm going to pass out. I am TERRIFIED of being sick in public or not making it to a washroom. So when I take the clonazepam it might as well be gravol cause it works the same Haha. I take very few rescue meds compared to when this all started, with the occasional flare up for good measure. I force myself to fight it for at least an hour before I will take a clonazepam and it I'm down to a couple a month (much better than 3 a day every day). I have a difficult time with new places and people but I try to have a "bring it on" attitude. I can't let it stop my daily life, I refuse to miss work because of it. I don't know if I'm going about this the right way but I hope so. Any feed back would be great as I'm new to this site. Reading your posts just last night helped ease my mind away from an attack, while hanging out in my bathroom at 4am trying not to hurl lol.. Strange I know.