View Full Version : crawling the walls

03-09-2013, 03:44 PM
Hi guys, im not new this this its been going on for 10 years but lately iv been right at my peak with anxiety that it has me crawling the walls.Every day from the moment i get up to going to bed i feel ill. i constantly feel like my adrenalin is pumping, i feel sick, weak, shaky, simple tasks like washing up make it worse and result in me sprawled on the couch feeling like im dying, i get head zaps that go into my chest and constantly wake me up on a night and i get a strange buzzing feeling going through my body and my body feels like im gona have a seizure or something but it never happens. Its so excruciating. I am on antidepressants which i have been on 10 year, im constantly at the doctors crying all the time and i think hes starting to get annoyed at me, iv had blood test, ecgs, seen the mental health team where everything has come back fne yet im still sat here with that "top of the rollercoaster" feeling. I am now awaiting the 24hr urine test and in a sense im hoping it comes back that i have something wrong cos then i might be able to get it sorted whereas having jsut anxiety is such a bloody nightmare to get sorted. im so frustrated as im only 28 with a fantastic family yet my life plans are being held back by this and i cant do half the stuff i would love to do and im so scared that my whole life is going to be dominated by this. i hate thae fact that my family are suffering aswell because i cant interact with my kids the way id like and im so scared they are going to grow up and think of me as a bad mother.

03-09-2013, 05:22 PM
What meds are u on ??

03-09-2013, 06:47 PM
Yes, sounds like its definitely time to re evaluate your meds, seems like they aren't working well for you.
Besides the meds, do you do therapy as well?
Also, have you had your thyroid checked? If your levels are off there, it can also cause anxiety.

03-10-2013, 08:59 AM
im on sertraline, iv had me meds changed loads. iv had tests for thyroid, diabetes etc and all is apparently fine.