View Full Version : Alcohol & Anxiety/panic

03-08-2013, 02:17 PM
last night I had few drinks, and today I woke up with a hangover... but its not so much the hangover that's bothering me but this feeling that my heart is going to give out. I feel today is the day my heart is going to stop, everything seems strange(Depersonalization) seems that my anxiety/panic has multiplied 10x! I cant seem to shake off these thought's! has anyone else been through this or experience something similar, & is this normal??

03-08-2013, 02:41 PM
last night I had few drinks, and today I woke up with a hangover... but its not so much the hangover that's bothering me but this feeling that my heart is going to give out. I feel today is the day my heart is going to stop, everything seems strange(Depersonalization) seems that my anxiety/panic has multiplied 10x! I cant seem to shake off these thought's! has anyone else been through this or experience something similar, & is this normal??

I drink like twice a month! I use to drink weekly but due to my anxiety an panic I stopped..... My hangovers do the exact same thing to me even if I only had 2 drinks the night before the next day I feel my heart is going to stop an I can't breathe I start getting really hot too I went to the hospital for this my vitals were normal an i was sent home .... I know exactly how u feel I don't even drink anymore because the anxiety hangovers aren't worth it :(

03-08-2013, 02:44 PM
How or why would your heart "give out" exactly?

Alcohol makes anxiety worse and the next day can trigger anxiety. YES and ABSOLUTELY! Usually while intoxicated you may feel ok but after it can trigger it. I would advise to not drink alcohol until anxiety is under control. The mechanism on why alcohol or hangovers trigger anxiety I am not sure. Must be in the metabolism of it increasing adrenaline or something. Someone told me alcohol turns into adrenaline but I don't know if that's true. Either way, this is the time to get healthy, creating a healthy and happy lifestyle. Do yoga, exercise, long walks, eat good, meditate, things like that.

03-08-2013, 03:19 PM
Yep, a hang over will include heightened anxiety. Very common. Alankay

03-08-2013, 04:10 PM
I experience rushes of adrenalin that last for like a second and feel my heart is going top stop... it's a scary feeling... I am definitely going to cut back on alcohol, It Isn't worth going through all this. thanks for the replies! =)