View Full Version : Help!! Panic attack in town today and everything looked different somehow?

03-07-2013, 07:22 PM
I don't know how to explain it... everything was familiar, in other words I always knew what i was seeing, and I had no problem getting home, but somehow things seemed different too. Like slightly more beautiful, but it REALLY scared me because I felt like I was dreaming.

I'm worried =( has that ever happened to anyone else here? Is it because I'm not used to going out much anymore?

I'm so scared I'm gonna go crazy

03-07-2013, 07:45 PM
I have had something similar...for example today I was admiring my new manicure and all of a sudden , out of nowhere my hands and beautifully manicured nails didn't seem real or like they were my own. Weird.

03-07-2013, 07:55 PM
I have had something similar...for example today I was admiring my new manicure and all of a sudden , out of nowhere my hands and beautifully manicured nails didn't seem real or like they were my own. Weird.

I could live with it... if i had some assurance that it won't get worse (i.e. lose consciousness or touch with reality)... but every time the panic starts I become convinced it's RIGHT ABOUT to happen... even tho it has never happened before.

I know there are no guarantees but I wish I could convince myself that it's unlikely that such would happen

03-07-2013, 08:17 PM
I know exactly what you mean. My biggest fear is that I will lose touch with reality, and I have moments where I'm like "oh shit, it's happening, I'm really losing it this time". I also have theses weirdo images, or maybe they are hallucinations, I am not sure and I feel the same way you do, like I could live with it but the fear of it getting worse or really sending me over the edge is what makes it unbearable.

03-07-2013, 08:38 PM
I know exactly what you mean. My biggest fear is that I will lose touch with reality, and I have moments where I'm like "oh shit, it's happening, I'm really losing it this time". I also have theses weirdo images, or maybe they are hallucinations, I am not sure and I feel the same way you do, like I could live with it but the fear of it getting worse or really sending me over the edge is what makes it unbearable.

And each one is just as convincing as the last... =/
Do u take any medications? j/w, you don't have to answer. Or you can PM me too if you want

03-07-2013, 09:01 PM
I have klonopins that I take every now and then. How about you ?

03-07-2013, 09:32 PM
I have klonopins that I take every now and then. How about you ?

Xanax, which I take very sparingly, hydroxyzine, and propranolol....the prop. really calms me down but I can't take much because I have a slow heart rate naturally (usually in the mid 50's, sometimes lower), which kinda sucks because xanax and hyrdoxyzine are not suitable for the day, they make me very sleepy.

03-07-2013, 09:39 PM
The klonopins make me really sleepy too, and I stay home with my 2 year old daughter so I can only take them at night too.

03-08-2013, 12:05 AM
The klonopins make me really sleepy too, and I stay home with my 2 year old daughter so I can only take them at night too.

We sound awfully similar.

Well... about an hour ago (it's midnight here now) I realised I need contact solution. Everyone in the house had gone to bed. I drove out to the store and got it.
I actually went somewhere without an intense panic attack!! That hadn't happened in a month!

I can't said it didn't still feel really weird, it did, but I'm hoping and praying that if the panic can subside maybe the weirdness can too.