View Full Version : Obsessing

03-06-2013, 01:54 PM
I was doing really good. And now I am back to obsessing over going crazy. It's all I think of. I constantly worry over every little weird thing that happens. Every mentally odd symptom I have. Every time I think I see something I get this overwhelming fear. It's crazy. What if I'm diagnosed with the wrong thing and its not really anxiety? Or what if I'm in the early stages of the pre stages to psychosis or schizophrenia? Those people had to start somewhere with their illness...so worried.

03-06-2013, 02:01 PM
Ah Melly, I think most people with anxiety have that same thought. I remember it very clearly. It was one of my big ones actually, especially as my grandma, and Cousin both has the illness. It was actually my longest one I think. I outgrew a few, but this and intrusive thoughts stayed for a long while.

The way you type, and the messages you write, I can only say, this thought is craaaaaaaazy! But thats the only thing about you that is. Looking at your profile picture, your perfect grammar, your well thought out posts. If anyone was to get a dose of psychosis on this forum, it wouldn't be you!

It's a bad case of anxiety, and some PTSD, and an overactive mind reacting to the extremely weird and strange thoughts anxiety throws up. :)

03-06-2013, 04:00 PM
Hi Mel,

Your not going crazy. I worry about the exact same fears and I have now for almost 5 months. It's one of my worst fears. However much I have worried over it I havent gone crazy yet. Not much has changed over that time apart from im getting better at handling the anxiety. So I'm guessing you have also worried yourself silly about those fears for some time and from your post you really dont sound crazy, you sound like you have anxiety.

With the conditions your worried about, its other people who notice the crazy, not the crazy person.

03-06-2013, 05:24 PM
I worry about this same thing! Especially with like, starting new medicine-_-.

03-06-2013, 09:48 PM
Thanks for all the replies. It helps...for a short while haha. I guess I'm not really afraid of being crazy right NOW but more afraid of developing crazy later on. I have weird hallucinations (not all the time, but enough) and I have horrible, sick, disturbing, and weird thoughts. So I feel like maybe I am prone to developing a serious mental disorder later on. Does that make sense? Can anyone relate to that?

03-06-2013, 09:58 PM
I have really vivid sick dreams that stick with me throughout the day:( if that helps!? Lol

03-06-2013, 10:01 PM
I feel like you're over thinking, girly!!!! Are you on any meds to help calm your thinking?

03-06-2013, 10:26 PM
That's all I ever do is over think !! Lol. I have klonopins...

03-06-2013, 10:40 PM
Over thinking always turns me into a total freaking mess. I take a Xanax whenever I feel flustered or whatever. Clears your head. Weirdy side effects though! But it's all about rational thinking! Gotta stop and ask yourself: Is this something to truly worry about. Worrying about going crazy, is whats going to drive you crazy! I think counseling would do you and I both some good!

03-06-2013, 10:43 PM
I think some of the side effects from anxiety meds can sometimes make you feel crazy as well!!!!!!!!