View Full Version : it is just exhausting

03-04-2013, 04:34 AM
Ive accepted I have these issues.
I have learned how they all work in order to help overcome them.

I have came to the conclusion that I xant overcome them. But I can manage them.

It is just hard work. Its like a child. You have to be on top of it at all times. You give in once and its back at full strength, throwing everything your way.

Like I say. I have accepted this. But it is soooooo tiring having to manage it all the time.

03-04-2013, 05:09 AM
Hang in there. I totally relate.

You can get better, people have and I'm sure if your determined you will. I'm told it just takes time. I fully believe this.

At the moment I feel weird and anxious and it's put the clamps on all sorts of stuff. It's basically shit. So I'm just trying to enjoy the little things that life is full of. I'm trying to not worry about me, instead just make sure everything else is ok like work, and home stuff. Trying not to stress, or be upset and just lay back and relax. What happens happens and I'll deal with it then.

I really hope your ok and sympathise with your struggle.

03-04-2013, 08:23 AM
Stop putting so much pressure on yourself!
It is great that you accept things for what they are. The sooner people do that the sooner they will be on their way to happiness.
I have dealt with this for 20 years and I live a normal life.
I still have panicky feeling sometimes 20-30 times per week.
In fact I pay so little attention these days to any of the physical feelings, I often joke that the day that I am having a heart attack, I will ignore the symptoms and chalk them up to anxiety!
That will never stop and I am okay with that. It is how I am wired.
Please don't beat yourself up over any setback. Setbacks do happen. Look at it as an opportunity to better understand what you are feeling and how scary it seems, you are not in any danger.
Staythe course! It gets sooo much better.