View Full Version : New here

03-03-2013, 02:18 AM
This is my first time on anything like this. My name is Vicky and I had a health scare at the beginning of Jan this year (doctor thought he could feel a lump), I had a transvaginal and pelvic ultrasound and both came back clear. Before I had the scans however I started thinking, and googling, decided to worry, and that's when the anxiety and 'symptoms' started. My symptoms have been chronic stiff right shoulder, diahrrea and gas - although this has almost sorted itself out, sometimes back ache particularly lower back, sharp random pains throughout my whole body, particularly hands and wrists, pelvic region, feet and knees, but everywhere really, back of neck, ears etc. also it's sometimes a throbbing sensation instead or even a dull ache in my abdomen. I feel like my muscles are weak as sometimes when walking the tops of my legs hurt. some of my 'symptoms' disappear, I did have coccyx pain, but then my mind is completely taken over by a new or remaining symptom - random pain. This is the symptom that hasn't gone away and is worrying me that I have a terrible disease. The doctor prescribed sertraline for my anxiety 3.5 weeks ago, although I've had no other tests, he didn't really listen to my symptoms. Sorry for the long post just wanted to explain myself and ask if anyone else had had a similar experience? Can anxiety really cause these symptoms? Ps, I have a 10 month old baby who is up a lot in the night so not sure if poor sleeping is responsible for stiff shoulder in the morning.

03-03-2013, 09:42 AM
Vicky welcome aboard.....you will find everyone here very helpful so you've come to the right place. Did you have anxiety prior to the doctor visit when he told you about the lump? Sometimes I wish doctors were more thoughtful when telling us their concerns. One of the factors that started my anxiety was what a doctor said to me during an annual physical. My cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure were high and as I was leaving the doctors says that if I experience chest pains or numbness to get to the ER asap. That freaked me out. That night I was in the ER getting a bunch of test done and nothing found. Thats why I asked if you had anxiety prior to this exam.

03-03-2013, 09:46 AM
Just re-read your post and it does sound like the exam caused your anxiety. Yes health anxiety can be devastating because it feels so real. Thats why many of us end up in ER because it feels so real. And when they tell us that we are ok....we're like "how can that be?"...because it felt so real.

03-03-2013, 12:06 PM
Hi, no I didn't have anxiety prior to that, it's the first time I've suffered from anxiety to an extent and I'm shocked to find the physical symptoms that it can cause. You convince yourself, worry, then more symptoms, and more worry. Thanks for replying...

03-03-2013, 03:49 PM
Hi, no I didn't have anxiety prior to that, it's the first time I've suffered from anxiety to an extent and I'm shocked to find the physical symptoms that it can cause. You convince yourself, worry, then more symptoms, and more worry. Thanks for replying...

I've lived with these same feelings for 20 years

I don't get surprised anymore of the physiCal symptoms

I just don't take them serious at all anymore