View Full Version : pschosomatic symptoms

06-27-2007, 02:19 AM
I have recently posted a couple of messages regarding visual symptoms. I got a couple of responses which have helped a bit. I have had a flashing in my peripheral vision on and off for a while which was not an issue untill I accidently read that this was sometimes an indication of impending stroke. Since then I have been obsessed with it,googling all day etc. It has got much worse since I read about the stroke,much worse. I have been to the Doctors who assures me all ok. Has anyone experienced a dramatic worsening of symptoms like this? Or does anyone know how anxiety can make symtoms worse. It definatley has got worse Im not imagining it.


06-27-2007, 03:03 AM
i'm sorry to hear about what you're experiencing! i go through a similar thing where i can sometimes make my own symptoms worse by knowing too much about what it could mean. something that might help is to try and force yourself away from looking up more information. too much knowledge can be a burden at times! also know that even med students who are learning about all kinds of symptoms and problems at school will swear that they are experiencing them.

my psychiatrist advises me to not look up stuff because he knows i have a very active mind, and he was the one that told me in medical school, during their pathology class EVERYONE was fearful and anxious that they must be suffering from some severe disease as well.

so it happens to everyone, not just people with anxiety. it is scary and it is like that for most people. maybe the symptoms (flashing in peripherals?) have gotten worse due to the stress that your body is going through due to your anxiety. perhaps try something you enjoy and force yourself to do it guilt free? like a little treat, perhaps take time out for a relaxing bath or that steak dinner you've been craving?