View Full Version : Generic lexapro upping the dosage?

02-25-2013, 11:15 AM
So I've been on generic lexapro 10 mg for a few months now I'm so much better I can go out and do things I never could. But the past 2 weeks for some reason it sorta feels like its not working as much? Usually if I start to feel anxious ill just find something to do and I'm fine. Lately it just never goes away and having panic attacks which I haven't in a while. Just talked to my doctor and she suggested upping to 20 mg. I'm super nervous to take that much bc I have extreme side effects usually to medicine. Would it be ok to take one then cut another in half so it'd be like 15 mg? And also would it cause the same side effects as when I first started? Like the tired nausea dizziness?

02-25-2013, 03:44 PM
I take 15 mg and find it to be the perfect dose for me. Are you in any therapy?

02-27-2013, 07:30 AM
I was on 20 mgs lexapro but my doctor had me drop to 15 mgs to counter what I felt was a bit of apathy. The only problem was that there is no 15 mg pill so I had insurance issues. I couldn't take generic lexapro though, unfortunately. It gave me fuzzy head.

04-18-2013, 09:57 AM
Hi Ann,
I hope you'll be reading my post. I was reading your posts from last Nivember. I also started taking the Lexapro 25 days ago and don't see much if an improvement. I'm on 10 mg. i know it took you a while to feel better. How are you now? Hope you'll be able to write back, because I am anxious and afraid that lexipro is not going to help me.

Thanks for readind!