View Full Version : Random attack at work today

02-19-2013, 05:09 AM
Hit completely put of the blue. First attack since December and worst of all, I was delivering a presentation to a class at the time.

I hate when this happens, but I'm not going to let panic sneak back into my life. Thank God for Valium - it was over with in about 10 minutes, but it still shook me. I could barely speak properly, let alone think straight!

I'm going to take it easy on the caffeine tomorrow. It could have come about for a couple of reasons - I'm taking antihistamines for an allergy and I have been under some home/work stress lately.

Tomorrow is another day.

02-19-2013, 05:26 AM
First sentence explained it really. Presentation, this makes ANYONE nervous. Hence the panic attack wasn't out of the blue it's very self explanatory. Don't ebat yourself up about it. Rationalize what happend. Don't associate future presentations with a danger of having a panic attack. It simply happened. people with anxiety are more susceptible to stressful situations leading to symptoms and panic.

Caffeine isn't really to blame. peope tend to find reasons to blame for their symptoms and anxiety. But fear and worry is what fuels anxiety and fear and worry comes with having to stand infront of a room full of people and do a presentation.


02-19-2013, 05:56 AM
But Ed, I delivered the very same presentation to a larger group 2 HOURS earlier! No panic - a few nervous flutters, but nothing major.

Stupid panic. No rhyme or reason to it!

02-20-2013, 06:20 AM
Uggggggh. Another one today!!

I tend to be ok as long as I'm busy at work, but then as soon as I go on break. WHAM! Shaky, can't think straight and I get a weird rushing feeling.

I'm trying to be more sociable at work and not spend so much time on my phone, but it is really hard when my body is telling me to leg it out of the staff room!

I suspect this is just anticipatory anxiety, but still I'm going to take a morning hit if Valium tomorrow and Friday to keep it at bay.

I want to live my life - I have a massive festival coming up next weekend and I want to go and enjoy myself. I have also registered for a fun run later this year. I want to live my life, not let fear and anxiety rule it!!

02-20-2013, 06:25 AM
Keep fighting it Lauren.....you can get through it!!

02-20-2013, 09:19 AM
. I want to live my life, not let fear and anxiety rule it!!

This is what I want also. I feel like it keeps me from doing the things I love.

02-20-2013, 09:33 AM
Despite our anxiety, we still have to press on. If it refuses to go, then we learn to live with it and still do the things we love, despite its presence. It is possible.