View Full Version : Heart races easily?

02-12-2013, 12:02 AM
With having anxiety when i get scared my heart RACES so fast, it doesnt even have to be getting scared, it could be reading something that shocks me & my heart will race! Does anyone else experience a heart that races easily?

02-12-2013, 12:08 AM
Yes. I used to love movies with suspense, but now everytime I try to watch something even with family I get tingles and my heart pounds. Even if I've seen the movie before. I just want to enjoy everything the same way I used to. I've been doing everything and fighting through it, but I hate feeling scared all the time. I've heard just keep acting normal until you are and your body accepts that you won't care about the fear anymore, but it's so hard to last that long. I've made it two weeks multiple times and I just fall apart after about that long everytime.

02-12-2013, 01:32 AM
Hiya i have been like that for yrs,when my anxiety started i used to feel everybeat and from this day i feel my heartbeating all the time and i still cant overcome the fear,i have had my heart tested and everything fine but in your head u still think there is something not right,it is your mind though because if i ran up the stairs and thought oh no my heart is beating faster then i wudnt be able to slow it down,its like when i get up in the mrng and sometimes my heart goes faster than normal and i just start thinking omg theres something wrong and it goes faster with fear,i am the same it goes faster over anything wud love some ideas myself of controling it,let me know if anybody has any ideas??

02-12-2013, 02:44 AM
I feel same way. Anything that raises my HR causes some anxiety. It's so stupid cause I know it would NOT be normal if my HR DIDN'T increase after and while exercising or other activities. Although its hard to tell myself that in the moment.

02-12-2013, 02:57 AM
I feel same way. Anything that raises my HR causes some anxiety. It's so stupid cause I know it would NOT be normal if my HR DIDN'T increase after and while exercising or other activities. Although its hard to tell myself that in the moment.

Yeah i get really scared when my heart beats fast after exercise! Its just a weird feeling. If my anxiety is high, if i get out of bed at night (even if i just a few steps away) when i get back into bed my heart either starts racing or i have palpitations! I HATE it. I got checked out & everything came back fine, but it still such a scary feeling.