View Full Version : Help, I am scared of everything!

06-13-2007, 08:23 AM
Hi, I am a 24 y/o female. My only fear used to be heights and I could generally overcome it. I used to be a volunteer Firefighter and EMT. Now I think I am losing my mind. My fears are multiplying and overwelming me terribly. The worst ones I deal with and are interfering daily in my life are 1) the fear of dying/believing in God and 2) airplanes. I know alot of people are afraid of dying but mine is popping up multiple times a day, I also live in fear of my fiance dying. This fear got alot worse after I lost my grandmother that raised me.
My other fear is of airplanes, not just riding in one, but also of them flying over me. Where I live is not near an airport but across the bay from a military base. And please believe that I am not exaggerating but approximately 20-25 airplanes and helicopters are flying over my house daily plus practicing manuvers too. It's a constant battle to talk myself into knowing that I shouldn't worry about things like that and even if I do worry that it isn't doing any good. I am waiting to talk to my doctor but my appointment is still almost two months from now. Any suggestions on how to calm myself down? Anyone else managed to overcome this? If you took meds, what kind helped? I really don't want to have to depend on any med to help me but if I have to I will. Also, my father is a paranoid schizophrenic (I don't have any symptoms of such) but I am also terrified of inheriting that too. I am scarred to talk to my fiance in fears that he will think I am becoming my father. HELP!

V for Victor
06-13-2007, 09:07 AM
Sounds like you do have some phobias to be dealt with. Your doctor will be able to help you with that. He or she may also encourage you to take medication, or see a therapist, or both. Medication is sometimes necessary to help get control of your symptoms so you can deal with the real problem rationally.

I'm currently on 40 mg of Citalopram (for depression and OCD,) and it has helped me a lot.

Did I read you wrong, or did you list believing in God as a fear? It's interesting if that's what you mean, because I have a similar fear. Well, more spefically, a fear of being wrong about not believing in God, and then dying and going to hell. But I generally don't worry so much about that anymore.

Just hang in there until your appointment. You've made it this far, you can make it till then. :)

06-27-2007, 03:27 PM
I too can vouch for the effectiveness of cbt. I have not read the book you recommended but I cannot imagine a bad cbt book :shock: The one we used in my group was also a good one called Been there, done that? do this! by sam obitz. The most important thing if you want to have success with cbt is to do the exercises like the tea form thought countering exercises every day until it becomes your natural way of thinking.