View Full Version : Anxiety filled work environment :(

02-10-2013, 11:02 PM
I work in retail and told them I have anxiety and depression. I have had anxiety attacks before at home which stopped me from coming into work the following or same day. A few weeks ago I had a bad attack that landed me in the hospital. I called off work and they were understanding of the situation. So the next day I go into work and they knew what had happened and I even told them I was still feeling a little off so they told me to take it easy at work and I even explained to them about my anxiety. (only because the managers asked) Later that day I made a really simple/stupid mistake (which I never do) and my store manager calls me back to the office. Not even waiting she came out of the office and began yelling at me in my face about how disgusted she was and how big a deal it was. (Which it wasn't because others have made far worse mistakes and were never even scolded for them) I could feel my anxiety spiking again so I walked away to do some deep breathing. I was called to the office a second time by a different manager so I went back and the store manager yet again met me outside the office to tell me off some more. I nodded and turned away feeling the attack coming and she got in my face again at that point I burst out crying and went into a panic attack. Finally she brought me into the office so I could sit down. She said things like "You are not in danger why are you panicking? And Sorry I forgot you were sensitive." I had explained to her earlier that day I was on edge and what sets off my attacks and she did not even pay attention to what I had said obviously. I felt very offended and disrespected. She had the nerve to quickly apologize and then leave saying she was late for a hair appointment. Now I do my job and I do it well. I have been with the company for over a year and am one of the best (so I have been told). So to be treated like that just really upsets me, especially when I work for an organization that claims to help those with mental and physical issues. They cut my hours saying they did not want to overwhelm me even though I told them I need the hours because my husband and I were struggling with money. If it was not for the fact that the job pays well I would have no problem leaving. I think half my anxiety is caused by the stress in my work environment. I know this is more of a rant. However has anyone else been in a work environment that was just downright panic attack inducing? Do you learn to deal with it or get a different job? I have read it is good to learn the fight response so would this be beneficial in the long run or just keep me stuck in a state of anxiety? I just feel so betrayed and belittled by the whole ordeal that I would love to hear thoughts and suggestions.

02-11-2013, 07:59 AM
I think it was wrong how your manager treated you, period. Yelling at and belittling someone just isn't the way to get your point across, in my opinion. Fight for your hours. Tell them that you are perfectly capable of doing the job, but you do not appreciate the way you were spoken to. I had a similar incident with my manager. I let her know very firmly that I thought how she spoke to me was disrespectful. She apologized and we have had a much better relationship from that day on.