View Full Version : Im sad :'(

02-10-2013, 07:09 PM
Lately I have been feeling so down and anxious. Considering how I was feeling, I thought I was doing much better but now I'm just a wreck again. I'm always so scared that I have a hard time feeling happy. And that alone is enough to make me sad, I have a beautiful daughter, husband, and home and I'm so dreary on the inside. I'm terrified I will never get rid of these obsessions and I will be stuck this way...does it ever get better? I have the most bizarre, scary, creepy thoughts that scare me :( and most of my issues seem to be mental (confused sometimes, cant concentrate, mental checking to make sure I'm not delusional or hallucinating, disassociation) opposed to the physical feelings most people feel. This scares me into thinking or obsessing that something worse is wrong with me. I'm so TERRIFIED that I'm am developing schizophrenia that its all I can think of. Googling shit has made this fear so much worse :( my biggest fear is that I will lose it and hurt my daughter :( I'm so very sad and scared. I start CBT this coming Friday and I am praying that it works for me.

02-10-2013, 07:48 PM
I'm in the same boat as you right now totally I'm so scared I'm going crazy constantly monitering everything scared that I'm hallicunating ect I think my anxiety is feeding off it and actually making me think that I really am going crazy it sucks :(

02-10-2013, 07:56 PM
Girl I know :( I'm seriously convinced I'm slowly developing psychosis or schizophrenia. It's so scary. How are you coping?

02-10-2013, 08:02 PM
I cope by ppl telling me everyday that I'm not crazy....lol everyone says if u were going crazy u wouldn't be worried about it but I still don't believe them my mind always racing sometimes I have panic attacks and I think this is it imma lose my mind but it never happens its all day 24 7 wish this shit would go away...

02-10-2013, 08:07 PM
Yea that's what I hear, if ur crazy you don't know it. Then I googled when I shouldn't have and it led me to believe otherwise haha. Not cool. And yea it's constant with me too, like its literally all I can think of. Do you ever feel confused? Or just weird?

02-10-2013, 08:42 PM
You guys get fast heartbeat when moving around i can seem to relax And it's scaring me think I'm at witts end

02-10-2013, 08:49 PM
You guys get fast heartbeat when moving around i can seem to relax And it's scaring me think I'm at witts end

My heart races when I get really anxious but it doesn't scare me, my symptoms are all mental, that's what scares me.

02-10-2013, 08:52 PM
Yea that's what I hear, if ur crazy you don't know it. Then I googled when I shouldn't have and it led me to believe otherwise haha. Not cool. And yea it's constant with me too, like its literally all I can think of. Do you ever feel confused? Or just weird?

Omg yes I get confused all the time like I'm just brain dead and can't think straight lol I feel weird all the time like I'm waiting to go crazy :s and my memory is really bad :/

02-10-2013, 08:53 PM
I had 3 ekgs and blood work done and still scared i hate this I'm so confused

02-10-2013, 09:11 PM
What if I told you that you are fine. What you are experiencing are real sensations, but, that's all they are...sensations.
What if I told you that even though you are experiencing these sensations, there is nothing wrong with you.

Would you believe me?


02-10-2013, 09:13 PM
It's hard too cause happens all day I'm stuck in a rut of this

02-10-2013, 09:19 PM
Anxiety is the same its all fear fear of a heart attack or dieing or going crazy its all the same just depends on the severety of it it sucks but its just anxiety I need to practice telling myself that lol

02-10-2013, 09:20 PM
Same here sometimes I can and other times I jus lose total track and obess on what I'm feeling :(

02-10-2013, 09:23 PM
Im still thinking why did I get two ekgs that makes me worried n feel panicked even though I shouldn't worry bout it

02-10-2013, 09:34 PM
What if I told you that you are fine. What you are experiencing are real sensations, but, that's all they are...sensations.
What if I told you that even though you are experiencing these sensations, there is nothing wrong with you.

Would you believe me?


Does that apply to the mental chaos or do you mean the physical symptoms?

02-11-2013, 07:27 AM
Lately I have been feeling so down and anxious. Considering how I was feeling, I thought I was doing much better but now I'm just a wreck again. I'm always so scared that I have a hard time feeling happy. And that alone is enough to make me sad, I have a beautiful daughter, husband, and home and I'm so dreary on the inside. I'm terrified I will never get rid of these obsessions and I will be stuck this way...does it ever get better? I have the most bizarre, scary, creepy thoughts that scare me :( and most of my issues seem to be mental (confused sometimes, cant concentrate, mental checking to make sure I'm not delusional or hallucinating, disassociation) opposed to the physical feelings most people feel. This scares me into thinking or obsessing that something worse is wrong with me. I'm so TERRIFIED that I'm am developing schizophrenia that its all I can think of. Googling shit has made this fear so much worse :( my biggest fear is that I will lose it and hurt my daughter :( I'm so very sad and scared. I start CBT this coming Friday and I am praying that it works for me.

I can see at least 4 or 5 'thinking errors' in this post. Given that, I'm almost 100% sure you're going to see good results when you start your CBT sessions :)

02-11-2013, 11:27 AM
Do you guys get dizzy or lightheaded all the time. Maybe because I always analyze my feeling

02-11-2013, 12:12 PM
I can see at least 4 or 5 'thinking errors' in this post. Given that, I'm almost 100% sure you're going to see good results when you start your CBT sessions :)

I hope so! In driving myself nuts :(

joanna22 pink
02-11-2013, 01:34 PM
I have felt exactly the same as you and it does get better I am not on any meds now and not started therapy yet and I have seen a vast improvement and my thoughts like that are getting less :-)

11-04-2013, 04:19 AM
Omg yes I get confused all the time like I'm just brain dead and can't think straight lol I feel weird all the time like I'm waiting to go crazy :s and my memory is really bad :/

Cara and Mellymel,

Brain fog, anxiety and ocd are tell tale signs of Lyme disease. What region do u live in? Are you outside a lot? Lyme us in all 50 states and is possibly the most underdiagnosed illness in america. Most people with Lyme have no recollection of ever having a tick.

I have not one, but two children with Lyme disease. Both were undiagnosed for several years by some very smart doctors. We found a Lyme literate doctor in our area and it has changed the lives of our children forever.

Every doctor will tell you that you are crazy and that you should not bother with blood work. They are crazy, not you. The only doctors who will not fight you on this are those that are lyme disease literate.

An un resolved strep infection can cause similar symptoms. If left undiagnosed long enough, it can't possibly lead to an autoimmune response.

I urge you to follow up on this.
