View Full Version : Please someone respond.

02-08-2013, 01:09 AM
I am terrified at the moment. I have been doing great in my opinion. Much better than I was, but about 1:30 a.m. I started experiencing this. It is now 2:06 a.m. I have this weird pain it is about 4 inches above my left nipple and it is there as well as right about to the arm pit. It isn't a horrible pain that I can't stand, but it is scaring me because it does hurt a little. I'm shaking from fear at the moment. I am used to the chest pains here and there, but this is higher up and more to the left than normal. I had a good day so I don't know. I keep having to talk myself down from going to the ER. I am burping alot, but don't know if that could actually cause that far toward armpit to hurt.

02-08-2013, 01:43 AM
Hey its just your anxiety playing you up!! Everything will be fine you need to focus your mind on something else!! Listen to some relaxation music or watch a movie to try and occupy your mind. If you need to talk im here ok. Beverley. :-)

02-08-2013, 02:25 AM
Hey! No worries, i get that a lot! It could just be gas or it could be anxiety playing with your muscles. Dont worry about it, anxiety makes you go through weird symptoms.
Have you been checked out at all? Just to make you feel better about things?

02-08-2013, 07:24 AM
How are you feeling now? It was probably gas.....it can sometimes get trapped in your chest. Do you have any Gas X?

02-08-2013, 01:37 PM
How are you feeling now? It was probably gas.....it can sometimes get trapped in your chest. Do you have any Gas X?

Actually got myself to sleep a few minutes after the post. Woke up and I don't feel it anymore. I can feel myself wondering if it will happen again though. That was the strangest pain.

02-08-2013, 03:35 PM
Remember that any pain or sensations that happen in your body is because your brain allowed it. Doesn't mean something is wrong.

02-08-2013, 03:38 PM
Hey! No worries, i get that a lot! It could just be gas or it could be anxiety playing with your muscles. Dont worry about it, anxiety makes you go through weird symptoms.
Have you been checked out at all? Just to make you feel better about things?

Thank you! It sounds bad to say, but hearing other people with the pain around the same area makes me feel some relief. I actually have been to the doctor and had bloodwork done twice in the last few months. Extensive bloodwork too. Once while I was having the pains and I had an EKG while I was having chest pain and it was all clear. Also I am only 19 and I know it's not impossible for something to happen, but at this age after all the tests being normal I should stop worrying about the pains.

02-10-2013, 02:11 AM
Thank you! It sounds bad to say, but hearing other people with the pain around the same area makes me feel some relief. I actually have been to the doctor and had bloodwork done twice in the last few months. Extensive bloodwork too. Once while I was having the pains and I had an EKG while I was having chest pain and it was all clear. Also I am only 19 and I know it's not impossible for something to happen, but at this age after all the tests being normal I should stop worrying about the pains.

Oh good! Then yeah it is all anxiety!!! I know exactly how you feel. Hearing other suffers say they have it just makes it easier!
I just turned 20 & i have all those symptoms once in awhile, & when i would tell people i had these symptoms & they'd be like YOU ARE 20 YEARS OLD! YOU ARE OKAY! haha but i still believed something was wrong even after tests. But when i get out & i dont have anxiety until i get home or im alone, i knew it was anxiety & not my body.
Just gotta remind yourself you're okay!