View Full Version : what da hell is wrong with me?

02-07-2013, 07:42 PM
if i dont eat 5 meals per day i feel like my head is about to explode it dosnt have to be sugar it has to have alot of protein and im not addicted to food it dosnt make me feel any better psychologicaly and my anxiety levels have been through the roof for the past 2 weeks and i think this is the cause of my constant hunger headaches and im afraid to go to the hospital because i think im gonna die just before i get there and now im 20 years old 5f8 and i weigh almost 100kg and i stoped taking whatever medications i was taking because everytime i took it my stomach was hurting too much im afraid of taking pills i believe my anxiety is the cause of this why do i have to eat so much?and btw im healthy overall theres nothing wrong with me physicaly i just have anxiety and no food does not relieve my anxiety i dont feel less anxious or less depressed my head just stops aching the headaches worsen everything

02-07-2013, 07:50 PM
Do you think you are linking food as an anxiety pleaser? Like you BELIEVE eating with solve your anxiety? Firstly, you will not die before you reach hospital, in fact you don't even have to visit hospital, you just have to think rationally. Eating and anxiety have no link, unless you are tricking your mind into believing that eating decreases your level of anxiety which I'm sure you know does not, anxiety is psychological and that is how it should be dealt with. I'm 21, only a year older than you, and have had ridiculous worries about what could or couldn't happen, what if I go to the hospital and take a panic attack and they lock me up? What is this, what if that... you have to sit and think about anxiety as a whole. If the medication you were taking was aggravating your stomach then that specific drug is causing painful side effects for you, head back to your GP and complain, get a new drug, never give up. As for eating, that's a completely different matter. Eat what you like when you like (unless you have a specific diet plan), but treat your anxiety as a separate issue, which it is.

02-07-2013, 07:57 PM
no food does not relieve my anxiety i dont feel less anxious or less depressed my head just stops aching the headaches worsen everything

02-07-2013, 09:47 PM
Hi I agree Food has nothing to do with anxiety!! It seems to me that your using food for comfort. Its not a bad thing but you need to eat in moderation otherwise you will have extra stresses if your weight gets to high! The headaches are purely from being anxious..... I have them everyday. Anyway look after yourself and dont be to hard on yourself! Beverley

02-07-2013, 10:13 PM
Are you diabetic? maybe your sugar is low, I'm diabetic and when my sugar is low I get headaches and get real hungry.