View Full Version : Please Help!

02-06-2013, 08:40 PM
I started taking Escitalopram (Lexapro) 5mg last Sunday. And per my doctor I just started to 10mg This past Sunday. When I was on the 5 mg I felt good. But when I started the 10mg I've starte to feel nervous, anxious, lightheaded. Is this normal in the beginning of upping the dose. I haven't been on the med. for too log. I am worried. I was doing good but now I feel worst.Please any advise would be great

02-07-2013, 07:50 AM
Your symtoms may be unrelated to the dose increase and the timing may be a conincidence. It's difficult to determine due to the tendency anxiety sufferers have to focus on bodily sensations. The more you focus on the symptoms, the worse they sometimes feel. You should certainly consult your doctor to make sure. I'm sorry you're having a such a difficult time; it must be scary:(
