View Full Version : Help with frequent urination..

02-06-2013, 06:42 AM
Hey everyone, I am new here and need some help figuring out an issue I have been dealing with for a few years.

When the issue started -
About 4 years ago I was forced to hold my urine for a long period of time. I got to the feeling where i was going to go on myself and continued to hold it for a while after that. Originally, I thought I had actually damaged something in my bladder but I went through months of tests and everything came up negative.

Since then, I have had what I believe is anxiety about not being able to make it to the bathroom. My job is a constant on the go type. I am frequently in situations where I feel i will not be able to make it. This causes the feeling to go even worse. Some days I end up going several times an hour. Most of the time I will actually get to the mens room and barely be able to go but, it seems to ease my mind by releasing even the slightest amount.

Lately, things have been getting worse. I can not even go to the grocery store without having to rush to the mens room at least once during an average trip. Long car trips are almost impossible for me and my family due to my issue. It is causing tension between myself and the wife because she seems to get annoyed with the issue. I am having mood swings and very low feelings throughout the day and I really need help coping with this.

Anyone else with similar experience please let me know what has helped you and thank you all for your help and support.

02-06-2013, 04:25 PM
Yes! I go to the bathroom ALOT PEEPE is so annoying! I tried to hold it in sumtimes and i knt i start leaking so embarrasing! Im always drinking water but even wen i dnt i still go. And wen i do i feel so enpty i start getting anxiety and feel like i knt breath.

02-06-2013, 06:57 PM
I get the same thing keep thinking I'm dibetic 3 more weeks till my dr app I feel like I won't make it till the, too many symptoms feel like a old person I don't know what to think cant remember feeling this bad when I had bad anxiety epsodes before :(

02-06-2013, 09:30 PM
Yes! I went to my doctor becuz i though i had diabetes and it came bk negative. And my doctor told me im healthy and young but im a really anxious person i take everything to the next level and i know i have to calm down on that.

02-06-2013, 10:03 PM
Well i went to the doc this morning and they puy me on detrol. It is supposento help with frequent urination. They wantto try this for a month to see if it helps (even though ive been through these types of meds befote and nothing chNged). Guess we will see what happens