View Full Version : New here, major anxiety on heart palpitations

Shoe queen
02-04-2013, 02:07 PM
Hi all I'm new here and I have ocd and anxiety. Really struggling with health anxiety right now. I've had palpitations for years and years and always tended to ignore then as I don't have any other symptoms and ive always been pretty active. Anyway they've got really bad the last couple of weeks and can sometimes go in all day but I guess that's because I'm thinking about them. I went up to a and e at the weekend as they got do bad, ECG found a few early beats but the doctor just referred me back to the gp and didn't seem concerned as I had no other symptoms. I'm terrified now I have something wrong with me and I can't bear the waiting to see a cardiologist. My gp has prescribed beta blockers for my anxiety as I'm under a lot of stress right now but I haven't taken them yet as I've been too scared. I spoke to my nan last night who has experienced palpitations for over 50 years and has been thoroughly examined and told they are harmless. My dad and uncle also have similar things. This should major be feel better but all I think is what if the doctors wrong? What if they miss something? I hate feeling this way :( if I'm not crying I'm stressing which makes the palpitations even worse!

02-04-2013, 06:17 PM
I started taking magnesium citrate for mine heart skipped beats and now I don't have them. I had them for 7 mths!

02-04-2013, 06:34 PM
I started taking magnesium citrate for mine heart skipped beats and now I don't have them. I had them for 7 mths!

How long did it take for the magnesium citrate to work?

02-05-2013, 10:42 AM
How long did it take for the magnesium citrate to work?

1 hour! I was having them real bad on a Sunday so I decided to start taking them. I took 1 and with in that hour they stopped. I only had maybe 1-2 palps a day after that for a few days and then none since then. I am saying it was the mag because I had them for 7 mths straight everyday till I took it. Even the hosp use mag for irregular beats and heart issues. Of course in much higher doses. Lol. A friend of mine was just in the hosp and they found a irregular beat due to infection she has so guess what they have her to straighten it out. Yep, mag! So to me it was worth the try just to see if it would work. I was at my wits ends with them everyday. So far since feb 20 th I am so much better.

02-05-2013, 03:43 PM
I obsess over my palpitations I don't have them all the time maybe one or two a day and sometime I can go day without them but they petrify me I get very nervous shaky and weak cos of them but I have had them checked out over the years and been to I'm ok I just wish I could ignore them x

02-06-2013, 12:21 PM
1 hour! I was having them real bad on a Sunday so I decided to start taking them. I took 1 and with in that hour they stopped. I only had maybe 1-2 palps a day after that for a few days and then none since then. I am saying it was the mag because I had them for 7 mths straight everyday till I took it. Even the hosp use mag for irregular beats and heart issues. Of course in much higher doses. Lol. A friend of mine was just in the hosp and they found a irregular beat due to infection she has so guess what they have her to straighten it out. Yep, mag! So to me it was worth the try just to see if it would work. I was at my wits ends with them everyday. So far since feb 20 th I am so much better.

So glad it worked for you!!!

02-09-2013, 08:18 PM
Do you all know you have noticing wrong with your hearts? Have you been checked out? I am just losing this battle