02-04-2013, 10:31 AM
Well here is my story. I'm 34 years old and have been suffering from anxiety and depression going on about 10 years now. I actually think I had both in high school too, but just dealt with it better. I have tried a few different AD's and the last one I have been on for prob 5 years or more, Cymbalta. The anxiety has reared it's ugly head every couple of years as well. Back when this first started I had a heart monitor, stress test, and echocardiogram done, all were fine. I seem to always worry about health and my heart. Most of the time with some tweaks to medication and some counseling I bounce back. This time seems worse. I have been to the ER cause I thought I was having a heart attack, EKG and blood work was normal. I have started to do some exercise and eating better because I do need to lose weight. I was feeling pretty good for a couple weeks then last week I started having heart palpatations and nervous feelings. My dr did an EKG and blood work and they were fine. The EKG just showed sinus tachycardia. She told me to just take my klonopin. I hate this, I feel it is ruining my marriage. I keep worrying something else is wrong. I'm so upset and tired!