View Full Version : Blah

02-02-2013, 05:29 PM
There are many times like right now when I am just laying down flat on my bed thinking. My room is silent minus the sound of birds chirping through my window. All of the sudden I feel like my mind is running 100,000 miles per hour. It gives me butterfly's in my stomach and makes me feel like I want to run and scream as loud as I can because the anxiety is that intense. I feel fidgety and can't hold still. I don't know...it's a hard feeling to describe. Has anyone ever experienced this?

02-02-2013, 07:00 PM
All the time. I get jittery and can't relax. My pulse races and my stomach gets butterflies. My body feels like I just ran a few miles but I'm not tired or out of breath. I can only think that this is what people who take speed type drugs feel. I never done any type of speed because I hate the jitters that would come with it. Can do that on my own.

02-02-2013, 08:20 PM
All the time. I get jittery and can't relax. My pulse races and my stomach gets butterflies. My body feels like I just ran a few miles but I'm not tired or out of breath. I can only think that this is what people who take speed type drugs feel. I never done any type of speed because I hate the jitters that would come with it. Can do that on my own.

No... I've abused RX adderal and never really had racing thoughts, it mainly affects your adreneline. You feel like you can punch threw walls and crush cars... Feel like you're ontop of the world, never felt like I was out of breath or tired

02-02-2013, 10:01 PM
All the time. I get jittery and can't relax. My pulse races and my stomach gets butterflies. My body feels like I just ran a few miles but I'm not tired or out of breath. I can only think that this is what people who take speed type drugs feel. I never done any type of speed because I hate the jitters that would come with it. Can do that on my own.

I used to take all kinds of that stuff for adhd, pretty high doses too, completely different feeling than anxiety.