View Full Version : Itchy forehead, sore face, neck down to arm and now facial drooping

02-02-2013, 04:31 AM
Has anyone else had this? We thought I had shingles when it started 3 weeks ago on a very small area on my forehead but it spread down my face and a week later was to ear level on my left side only. My forehead has been intensely itchy, day and night but no rash whatsoever. Then the numbness, tingly right down my face, my neck feels sunburnt together with my shoulder and then I have numbness on the side of my arm down to my left hand. Yesterday the left side of my face started drooping slightly, so when I smile it's not symetrical, I struggle to close my left eyelid, etc.

I went to A&E, the blood results and ECG were clear and there was talk of botulism, MS, bells palsy and shingles but I have to go back on Monday for a CT scan.

Has anyone experienced this by any chance? I was amazingly stressed out a few weeks ago and wonder if this could have had any affect?

02-02-2013, 08:50 AM

The chances lean towards Herpes Zoster (Shingles).
Do you work with chemicals ?

02-02-2013, 09:06 AM
Has anyone else had this? We thought I had shingles when it started 3 weeks ago on a very small area on my forehead but it spread down my face and a week later was to ear level on my left side only. My forehead has been intensely itchy, day and night but no rash whatsoever. Then the numbness, tingly right down my face, my neck feels sunburnt together with my shoulder and then I have numbness on the side of my arm down to my left hand. Yesterday the left side of my face started drooping slightly, so when I smile it's not symetrical, I struggle to close my left eyelid, etc.

I went to A&E, the blood results and ECG were clear and there was talk of botulism, MS, bells palsy and shingles but I have to go back on Monday for a CT scan.

Has anyone experienced this by any chance? I was amazingly stressed out a few weeks ago and wonder if this could have had any affect?

If its shingles it will be very very painful? Is it?

02-02-2013, 09:21 AM
Thank you for your replies. Yes, I had been told it may be shingles but there is no rash. Would shingles also make your face muscles drop? I suppose I could have rashless shingles and bells palsy too?

My forehead on the left hand side is itchy beyond belief, day and night and my neck feels sunburnt but I wouldn't say it was painful as such. I have had shingles before some years ago but that was on my side and I was given anti-virals early on.

02-02-2013, 10:10 AM
Thank you for your replies. Yes, I had been told it may be shingles but there is no rash. Would shingles also make your face muscles drop? I suppose I could have rashless shingles and bells palsy too?

My forehead on the left hand side is itchy beyond belief, day and night and my neck feels sunburnt but I wouldn't say it was painful as such. I have had shingles before some years ago but that was on my side and I was given anti-virals early on.

To me it don't sound like shingles. I don't think you get shingles more than once and it's very painful and always has a rash. It sound more like Bell's palsy with the drooping face

02-02-2013, 08:35 PM
The drooping face is not shingles. My father has dealt with shingels. The pain is excruciating. He couldn't even sit still for more than a few minutes because it was around his waist.

02-03-2013, 04:51 AM
When I had shingles last time (about 13 years ago), I was given anti-virals as soon as the rash appeared and it wasn't painful at all although I had a lot of migraines leading up to it.