View Full Version : Not sure if I have anxiety or ADHD (please help!)

02-01-2013, 09:15 PM
Hi all, I will try to make this short. I am a 24 year old male, with a good family, friends, job, and good overall health.

In high school, I got mostly B's, when I was capable of As. I was tested for ADHD. They told me I did not have it, but I could benefit from Ritalin, so I gave it a try.

I really liked it, but my grades didn't improve, so I stopped taking it. I remember being in a good mood, and getting a lot done.

From the end of high school (2007), to 2010, I wasn't on any medication. This was my first two years in college. I was nervous a lot, didn't get good grades, and didn't have luck with the ladies.

In 2010, I saw a psychiatrist who said he detected a bit of depression, so he put me on Xanax. It sucked. It put me to sleep, so I asked for something else. He gave me Lexapro.

I've been on Lexapro since late 2010. It calms me down. I can organize me thoughts, am much better with women etc. I used to have a problem with my temper, but no longer, as long as I remember to take it each day.

Unfortunately, in the past 6-9 months or so, this stuff has really bogged me down. I'm not sure if its the cold, or what, but I don't like it. If I don't have work one day, its very hard for me to get out of bed and do things. I'm not depressed or anything, I just don't want to get out of bed. I run on the treadmill every day, but I REALLY have to try hard to get up off the couch and walk to the treadmill. It just seems everything takes effort. I'm just bogged down.

Any thoughts on what might be the cause?


02-01-2013, 10:47 PM
Hi Hope your feeling a little bit better! From reading your post, which I can relate to!!! I really think your in a form of depression. I say this because I also feel that way myself at times and it's depression. The lack of motivation ect all points to that. I could be wrong and hopefully I am! Have you spoken to your doctor? Maybe you should give it a go? Remember your not alone........ :-)

02-02-2013, 10:22 AM
Hi Hope your feeling a little bit better! From reading your post, which I can relate to!!! I really think your in a form of depression. I say this because I also feel that way myself at times and it's depression. The lack of motivation ect all points to that. I could be wrong and hopefully I am! Have you spoken to your doctor? Maybe you should give it a go? Remember your not alone........ :-)

thanks for your reply :)

I have a meeting with my doctor next week, yes.

02-03-2013, 05:37 AM
For sure could be the season. That is very common. My Dr. tells me most of his patients up the dosage in the winter and lower it in the summer.

02-03-2013, 06:17 AM
Sounds to me you need to change something in your life to give yourself a reason to get up in the morning.

If your saying your not depressed, then maybe your extremely bored.

I've had times when I've felt I can't be bothered with anything and wanted to stay in bed. If I were you I would go and do something I enjoy, if I can't do that, Id find something I can do that I will enjoy. And Id do it until I couldnt do it any more.
For me, it has been writing and recording music, fucking about with computers and computer related design. It's very hard to be bored, depressed or anything else when your head is into leaning or doing something.

Anyway that's my advice and I hope it helps. If not good luck and I hope you feel better soon.

02-03-2013, 07:31 AM
Just for a baseline I'd ask for a Complete Metabolic Profile blood test, ask the doc to drop the xanax and go with a longer acting less potent med like valium or clorazepate. As for the lexapro, that depends on the current dose. If at 5 mg up it to 10 mg and hold there. If at 10 mg just hold there and see if a less potent benzo helps with more energy.
Also check your diet. Try more unprocessed, whole foods with less sugar and fat. Keep up the exercise and yes, for you Winter/less sun light may result in a dip in mood/energy. Make a conscious effort to get more midday daylight through those eyes(10 minutes, etc)! :) Alankay

02-03-2013, 07:11 PM
Sounds to me you need to change something in your life to give yourself a reason to get up in the morning.

If your saying your not depressed, then maybe your extremely bored.

I've had times when I've felt I can't be bothered with anything and wanted to stay in bed. If I were you I would go and do something I enjoy, if I can't do that, Id find something I can do that I will enjoy. And Id do it until I couldnt do it any more.
For me, it has been writing and recording music, fucking about with computers and computer related design. It's very hard to be bored, depressed or anything else when your head is into leaning or doing something.

Anyway that's my advice and I hope it helps. If not good luck and I hope you feel better soon.

I agree and am hoping this help me come out of some of my anxiety. I am 46, kids are grown, got cut to part time and have become way too comfortable being at home by myself and the more I do the harder it is to get out.
Been given the opportunity to go back to school and as much as it scares me at my age, I am going for it! Hoping that getting out there or even with the on line classes that the learning and using my brain more then I do now will help me from focusing on my anxiety.