View Full Version : Need advice, Will do anything to get over this

01-24-2013, 03:57 PM
I'm 18 years old and have been an anxious person as long as I can remember. Having anxiety bother me nearly each and every day isnt only scary but probably the most annoying thing that has ever happened to me. I almost cant even play a good game of soccer without having these crazy feelings set in. I want to be able to live life normally without having thoughts running through my head such as "the world around me not feeling as real as it should" and for all this fear of going insane to go away. I want to be able to live a normal happy life.

A social worker whom I go to recommended a deep breathing relaxation exercise to me, which I am waiting to come in the mail to begin, and I also drank my first cup of chamomile tea today which felt as if it helped a bit. If anyone has any other suggestions on what I can try to get away from all this and be back on my way to a normal happy life it would be greatly appreciated.

I would also like to accomplish this without any meds. I can't stand taking medication.

Thank you.

01-24-2013, 04:16 PM
There are tons of different deep breathing exercises on the internet, google is your best friend with this disorder. Yoga also does wonders. I listen to binaural beats/meditation music while doing the poses at it relaxes me so well I've knocked out on more than one occasion. Exercising before bed and after waking up really cuts the anxiety in half if done right.

You can do it without meds, but in my experience, it makes it much easier to know that you have a pill on you in case you have a attack you just can't handle.

01-24-2013, 04:49 PM
I agree with you. I'd like to do it without meds too. It's so hard though when your mind doesn't stop racing. And as the previous user said, it is nice to have a pill on you in case of an attack. I'm on zoloft and even though it helps from my racing mind and my anxiety extremely it's def had its side effects, I don't even want to wake up in the morn or leave the house.

I have done meditation which has helps tremendously and I'm going to try tea as well as you said. As the previous user said, exercise does help, it's just getting the motivation to do it, which is my issue.

I hope you find ways to help your anxiety without medication! Please keep us updated.