View Full Version : Sclerosis multiplex....

01-22-2013, 02:17 PM
I'm afraid I have that... most of the symptoms match.....this is making me so anxious...

01-22-2013, 02:27 PM
Dude I just want it to go away not get tested or anything, it would be devastating if its true.

01-22-2013, 02:50 PM
Do you understand I dont wanna hear the possibility that it might be true and my anxiety is extremely high right now !!! So dont speak like that ffs.

But the symptoms DO match.

01-22-2013, 03:00 PM
Having physical symptoms for months and them being triggered by alcohol indicates that doesnt it.......?

01-22-2013, 03:03 PM
What does this indicate to you man....... Dont tell me to go to a doctor.....just dont ok? FUck doctors and all that shit just fuck them.

01-22-2013, 03:55 PM
I just want people to tell me what they think it is not tell me to go to a doctor! Fucking doctors are retarded
I want people to give their opinion about it and share if they have similar experiences!!!

I have explained my symptoms enough, please also read my other posts.... What do YOU think this is? Anxiety or Sclerosis multiplex?

I feel like crying ...

01-22-2013, 04:09 PM
I just want people to tell me what they think it is not tell me to go to a doctor! Fucking doctors are retarded
I want people to give their opinion about it and share if they have similar experiences!!!

I have explained my symptoms enough, please also read my other posts.... What do YOU think this is? Anxiety or Sclerosis multiplex?

I feel like crying ...

First, we are not doctors and could say seething you feel we feel to and it not even be related. I have every symptom for multiple scholoris or how ever you spell it and I end t and got checked and had MRI done and do not have it even though I had almost every symptom. So unless you want to get checked we have no idea what you have. Yes I have had some of the same symptoms as you are stating and mine is all anxiety. No major disease:)

01-23-2013, 12:14 AM
You dont get it, everywhere isnt as neat as Australia, in here doctors are unprofessional, uncaring, hospitals are dirty and extremely depressing.

01-23-2013, 12:37 AM
but why you say it is highly unlikely when I have symptoms like mental exhaustion, twitching, and unvoluntary eye movement (vibrating/unable to concentrate - varies in strenght) for months?

Also Ive had the "pins and needles" feeling, and basically all the other MS symptoms before.....

God this is so depressing, I dont know what to do my life is over and im too young.

01-23-2013, 03:01 AM
Right now I feel completely mentally exhausted.... my head is "warm" and nerves tingling

01-23-2013, 05:01 AM
God my life is so horrible...... it never goes away.... like I said before my head feels "thick" atm... complete mental exhaustion......
+ School is stressing me out like crazy, its a total brainfuck.

I just cant over the thought of sclerosis multiplex...... because if it is true then my life is over, I dont wanna live the rest of my life in torture.

Things like this is why I'm an atheist, which is sad really, I hope there is a god but then he clearly hates me. (btw believing in god =/= religious, all religions are ridiculous I know it but I liked to believe there is a god)

But in another way this makes me believe in god because sometimes it really feels like he is just mocking me, I get into these "perfect storm" situations way too often.... I am the real Bad Luck Brian (if u get the reference).

01-23-2013, 05:13 AM
I think I have finally found a word for my "eye thing" its Nystagmus...... Nobody has ever suggested that word but I think that is actually the case, and it is horrible.
and the word for my "twitching" is Tremors

01-23-2013, 05:18 AM
For fuck sake i have sclerosis multiplex, i am pretty sure of it now.

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!????????? ??????????????!?!?????????????????????

01-23-2013, 05:23 AM
For fuck sake i have sclerosis multiplex, i am pretty sure of it now.

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!????????? ??????????????!?!?????????????????????

Sounds like it, but somehow you need to get this medically proved... (or not)

01-23-2013, 05:24 AM


01-23-2013, 05:25 AM
Please can somebody help me calm me down or something i wanna die ! Fuckkkkkkk fuck

01-23-2013, 05:27 AM
God fuck sake whyyyy fuck me im crying fuuukkkk shittt

01-23-2013, 05:27 AM
Pleaseee help meeeeeeeeeeeee

01-23-2013, 05:37 AM
Pleaseee help meeeeeeeeeeeee


How the hell is anyone here going to help you in the state you're portraying, now?

Stop all this bull about there being no medical help - because this is what you need asap.

01-23-2013, 06:13 AM
sorry i am such a mess but u are very inscensitive

01-23-2013, 06:33 AM
The state that you are in could end right now of you call the Doctor and make an appointment to get checked out - I know that's not what you want to hear, but there are NO words to make yourself feel better.

What's the worst thing that can happen? You're diagnosed with this horrible, but manageable disease that thousand of people deal with on a daily basis that you already believe you have anyway? Or, you spend the next few weeks agonising over thinking you are chronically ill, when you may not be?

Just call a doctor and make an appointment. It's the only way to know for sure. The symptoms of this illness are extremely similar to many anxiety symptoms. And if an actual doctor freaks you out too much, go and see an optometrist about your eyes.

You need answers from a specialist, not reassurance from a bunch of loonies like us :)

01-23-2013, 08:12 AM
God my life is so horrible...... it never goes away.... like I said before my head feels "thick" atm... complete mental exhaustion......
+ School is stressing me out like crazy, its a total brainfuck.

I just cant over the thought of sclerosis multiplex...... because if it is true then my life is over, I dont wanna live the rest of my life in torture.

Things like this is why I'm an atheist, which is sad really, I hope there is a god but then he clearly hates me. (btw believing in god =/= religious, all religions are ridiculous I know it but I liked to believe there is a god)

But in another way this makes me believe in god because sometimes it really feels like he is just mocking me, I get into these "perfect storm" situations way too often.... I am the real Bad Luck Brian (if u get the reference).

Listen, all the symptoms you just described I have!!!!! Everyone and for over a year now. I have all the tests and nothing but anxiety. I was low on my vit B 12 and folic acid and take liquid vit B12 I bought from the drug store (no prescription needed) bought folic acid too. I take it. It has helped with the tingling and flutters in my eyes and legs. I even had muscle twitches in my stomach. Start taking multi vitamins and supplements like B12, and I also started taking magnesium citrate and it has stopped my heart skip beats and since the mag citrate is a nerve, muscle calmer it has really calmed me down a lot. It helps to sleep too.

01-23-2013, 08:21 AM
Also slight Nystagmus and tremors Sandy?

I just cried like crazy and have very elevated anxiety atm...

01-23-2013, 08:26 AM
sorry i am such a mess but u are very inscensitive

You're asking impossible questions.

You swear, shout, exclaim, plead for help, you're rude, insensitive yourself, ignore most replies & leave us no option but to give up.
We've been here before, and that didn't get anywhere either.

You need a proper diagnosis asap.
I'm not sure what your problem is with doctors, but you NEED one.

01-23-2013, 08:27 AM
Another thing you mentioned above, tremors. I have these too and I went to a neurologist and had tons of tests and its all about your nerves and anxiety will trigger tremors !!!! You need to calm down because you are making every symptoms 100 times worse and then your mind is adding more. Like I said before, I was sure I had MS too by all the symptoms I had but I don't have it. The doctor even told me he wanted to test me for it. I was scared because i had like every symptom. So don't let symptoms get the best of you. You need to break down an go to a doctor even if the place is dirty and you think they are all quacks because you need to get on something even if its just xannax to calm your nerves down. Sitting there posting for help from us is not going to make it get better. We are here to talk you through and be supportive but we can't cure you or diagnose you, only you can take care of that. So I hope you will, because we all have felt like you but we also have went for treatment to get help and been to many many doctors until we found the one we liked and that felt compassionate. So it can be done.:)

01-23-2013, 08:36 AM
Also slight Nystagmus and tremors Sandy?

I just cried like crazy and have very elevated anxiety atm...

Nystagmus, I looked it up and it can even be as simple and a inner ear infection, Ms, or a neurologist nerve problem which are easily treated with medicine. So see, you are looking for all the negatives in what your eyes are doing. It most ALWAYS they said starts in toddlers and at birth! All you need if you eyes are doing this 24/7 is a eye doctor to check them. Does your eyes go in and out and you can't see all day because of the twitches??

01-23-2013, 09:45 AM
The thing is, you can give this member as much advice as you can give, but then they will probably be back in a month with the exact same issues and with the exact same attitude.

This member NEEDS to see a medical professional.

01-23-2013, 09:54 AM
Nystagmus, I looked it up and it can even be as simple and a inner ear infection, Ms, or a neurologist nerve problem which are easily treated with medicine. So see, you are looking for all the negatives in what your eyes are doing. It most ALWAYS they said starts in toddlers and at birth! All you need if you eyes are doing this 24/7 is a eye doctor to check them. Does your eyes go in and out and you can't see all day because of the twitches??

well actually it started after drinking alcohol...+ I smoke so it could be aquired nystagmus

It is mild but constant and very annoying/exhausting

01-23-2013, 10:41 AM
well actually it started after drinking alcohol...+ I smoke so it could be aquired nystagmus

It is mild but constant and very annoying/exhausting

True. But if that is what it is and it is mild like you say then quit freaking out. It won't kill you! Just go to an eye doctor and get meds for it. If you don't then its your fault when it gets worse.

01-24-2013, 03:16 AM
well actually my eyes dont move when i look in the mirror... but my sight kinda isnt stable....

01-24-2013, 03:50 AM
well it could be just stress/anxiety/depression.......... but im really depressed and feel like i have no future...

01-24-2013, 05:53 AM
You googling symtoms tip someone else shared with me put your symptoms in google n put anxiety at the end see what happens

01-24-2013, 07:08 AM
well actually my eyes dont move when i look in the mirror... but my sight kinda isnt stable....

Well then that should show you that you don't have that! If you did then it would not stop. My eyes. Get unstable to when ever I am anxious. Sometime they even get blurry when I am trying to focus or watch TV. It's strange because I can be fine one min and the next I am having trouble seeing. And that is anxiety.

01-24-2013, 07:10 AM
well it could be just stress/anxiety/depression.......... but im really depressed and feel like i have no future...

That's what depression and anxiety feel like, like you have no future and want to give up. But until you go get help them we can't help you.

01-24-2013, 08:23 AM
The eye thing varies in strenght a lot... it used to be worse but is a little bit better now.... Still I can't believe this is anxiety:(
Im so scared and have suicidal thoughts

I will try to change my lifestyle completely and see if that helps (excercise more, spend less time on the computer, ear less junk)

01-24-2013, 09:23 AM
The eye thing varies in strenght a lot... it used to be worse but is a little bit better now.... Still I can't believe this is anxiety:(
Im so scared and have suicidal thoughts

I will try to change my lifestyle completely and see if that helps (excercise more, spend less time on the computer, ear less junk)

Try taking a multi vit with iron and some magnesium citrate vit and (omega 3) fish oil. Mag and fish oil helps clam the nerves. It has really helped me. I do not take anything other than vit and clonopan. Not saying I am anxiety free but I can sure do things and go places when I could not before.

01-24-2013, 10:04 AM
I have been taking magnesium for months

01-24-2013, 10:05 AM
I have been taking magnesium for months

Oxide????? What kind of mag is it?

01-24-2013, 10:33 AM
The eye thing varies in strenght a lot... it used to be worse but is a little bit better now.... Still I can't believe this is anxiety:(
Im so scared and have suicidal thoughts

I will try to change my lifestyle completely and see if that helps (excercise more, spend less time on the computer, ear less junk)

Serioulsy mate if you do fine yourself googling put anxiety at the end

01-24-2013, 02:53 PM
Hi Skizo. I'm so sorry that you're feeling all of this and feeling suicidal. It's so hard. I have been that terrified in the past and my heart goes out to you. Where are you, geographically?

01-25-2013, 04:21 AM
I just dont know how to explain my symptoms or anything ... maybe its because my eyes are under big stress.... its not nystagmia... my eyes arent moving but its like I have body tremors, ocular tremors and muscle twitches........its kind of like eye fatique...

01-25-2013, 05:37 AM
Im not even sure if it is a problem with my eyes or the body (nerves) in general and the eyes are just affected by it.... It is like my entire body is constantly but very very subtly shaking and therefor my eyesight is also affected by it... and I get tremors very often and I think my eyesight is also affected by the tremors.... sometimes I can feel my own heartbeat.

Could it just be Stress/anxiety/depression or what do you think about this???

but I also constantly have a foggy and not clear head....... I just dont have the clearness and realness of reality anymore...

It is a problem with my nerves obviously... but can it be caused by just stress/anxiety/depression and triggered by alcohol? I have been in an uptight mood for a very very long time, I am very impulsive etc...

01-25-2013, 06:31 AM
what do you think about that...?

01-25-2013, 06:38 AM
CAn it really be fixed by just starting to live a healthy lifestyle???

01-25-2013, 06:48 AM
A healthy lifestyle can't hurt.

All you have to do is add some fresh fruit, veg and fish to your diet and get in some light exercise to start - it definitely won't make you feel worse!

Exercise is a blessing for me. I feel amazing after an interval run (walking 1 x minute, jogging 1 x minute, running 1 x minute). I can actually feel the endorphins flood my system afterwards.

01-25-2013, 09:13 AM
I just dont know how to explain my symptoms or anything ... maybe its because my eyes are under big stress.... its not nystagmia... my eyes arent moving but its like I have body tremors, ocular tremors and muscle twitches........its kind of like eye fatique...

Stress can cause a lot if deficiency in vitamins. If you are low on mag or b12 it can cause trimmers, eye problem. Don't use mag oxide. It's absorption is terrible. Get mag citrate and b12. But it also can be just stress. Like the other guy said type in a symptom with anxiety and you will see it comes with anxiety too.

01-25-2013, 10:26 AM
But what do you think about this - my body is under constant very subtle shaking, it is unnoticable but only noticed when I try to hold my hands steady infront or something, lying in bed and trying to hold my hand from the elbow up... can this be stress too..?anyway my sight/head isnt CLEAR... it is just no clear do you understand? I still remember how it feels to have a clear head and mine is not... it is like foggy all the time.... and often my face becomes thick (especially after exercise)...but the main problem is still me having this subtle dizziness and being unable to concentrate and completely focus my sight...

I have decided to start living a healthy lifestyle and see where it gets me, and if that won't help I'll go hang myself.

01-25-2013, 10:42 AM
Hi Skizo:

Vitamin D deficiency mimics the symptoms of MS to an extent that for many years the physicians treat their patients for MS by mistake. The truth seems to be that you are vitamin D3 deficient. You need to have a blood test (25-OH) for vitamin D. Then a very up to date doctor should treat you for the deficincy. Take the test, and read my thread/story at the below link for further information. It could change your life very quickly. Meanwhile, have your vitamin B12 tested, also.


Best regards,

01-25-2013, 01:39 PM
The main thing is with my eye sight... it is just unstable, dizzy.... unable to concentrate my eyes completely... it varies in strenght... And my head in general does not feel clear. it feels foggy and not clear like it used to feel before!
And it started after drinking a few beers.... I am just mentally exhausted all the time.

01-25-2013, 01:53 PM
I am afraid that I have done some permanent damage to my brain chemistry by taking these ADs for so long...

01-25-2013, 02:24 PM
The subtle tremors you mention. I got them, trust me. I used to ask people if it was normal, but now I've said screw it and don't worry about them. It helps alot. I notice when I go to eat, lift myself, squat down, anything like that. But then I lift something heavy or do a push up and tell myself people with something actually wrong don't have the strength to do this.

01-25-2013, 03:01 PM
I am afraid that I have done some permanent damage to my brain chemistry by taking these ADs for so long...

that possible?

I took 10mg ciraset from AUG-DEC 2011 and FEB-OCT 2012. One pill a day usually, for some period 1,5 pills.

01-25-2013, 03:24 PM
that possible?

I took 10mg ciraset from AUG-DEC 2011 and FEB-OCT 2012. One pill a day usually, for some period 1,5 pills.

Was just reading this and sounds like your really struggling, you've just got to accept that's its mind over matter and you've got to try and get rid if these thoughts. Luke

01-25-2013, 05:47 PM
that possible?

I took 10mg ciraset from AUG-DEC 2011 and FEB-OCT 2012. One pill a day usually, for some period 1,5 pills.

Just like the guy above said, go to the doctor and get tested for D and B12 and magnesium! I had all your symptoms. I had tremors , eye site problems, twitches, muscle twitches, very foggy mind, forgetful, could not focus on the TV for more than a few mins, shakes that felt internal very weak feeling, very tired. And so much more and I went and got tested and WAS diff exigency in B12, and D!!!! Now I take B12 shots and D and feel so much better. But I guess you will never know what's up if you won't go to the doctor. You say you take vit and they don't help but if your body will not absorb them like B 12 you may need the shots. And with D you may need a higher dose than in a vit or a supplement. So you may not be getting what you need to feel better.

01-25-2013, 09:57 PM
Hi Sandy:

It is good that you also confirm vitamin D and B12 testing. However the normal test that is done for magnesium total is worthless.
They show everybody at normal levels, which is almost 100% wrong. There are much more expensive, and better tests that show the amount of magnesium deposit both in our blood and bones. As all over the world the soils have been depleted of magnesium for many reasons, foodstuffs have very little magnesium, and almost everybody is low on this substance. Therefore, magnesium supplements other than oxide, are needed. If one can not tolerate the supplements, then there is no choice but having the so called rich magnesium food.

Best of luck,

01-26-2013, 02:02 AM
Just like the guy above said, go to the doctor and get tested for D and B12 and magnesium! I had all your symptoms. I had tremors , eye site problems, twitches, muscle twitches, very foggy mind, forgetful, could not focus on the TV for more than a few mins, shakes that felt internal very weak feeling, very tired. And so much more and I went and got tested and WAS diff exigency in B12, and D!!!! Now I take B12 shots and D and feel so much better. But I guess you will never know what's up if you won't go to the doctor. You say you take vit and they don't help but if your body will not absorb them like B 12 you may need the shots. And with D you may need a higher dose than in a vit or a supplement. So you may not be getting what you need to feel better.

Yes well but you still didnt answer my question...

01-26-2013, 04:41 AM
I have slight dizziness all the time... when I look outside the window into the distance, I am unable to keep my body and vision still....

What is this?? its so depressing im thinking about suicide all the time.

01-26-2013, 05:22 AM
Please can somebody help me calm me down or something i wanna die ! Fuckkkkkkk fuck

Hi when I was 17 I had constant chronic headaches I convinced myself and tried convincing my mother, I had a brain tumor, sure enough 2 Ct scans they found nothing again in my 20's that imaginary tumor returned an MRI later found nothing here I am at 35 yrs old still get headaches and guess what I DONT HAVE A TUMOR! stop reading up on everything.... I presented to my holistic Dr yesterday with all my symptoms and she said it doesn't sound like MS (her words) I didnt even mention MS but i remember thinking but I have so many of the symptoms!! Can u find a holistic Dr or a naturopath?

01-26-2013, 05:44 AM
I have slight dizziness all the time... when I look outside the window into the distance, I am unable to keep my body and vision still....

What is this?? its so depressing im thinking about suicide all the time.
completely unable to keep still.. and it has been like this for a damn long time!! what is this????

this cant be anxiety omg, my nerves are messed up for life I will be like this forever!!

god this is so depressing... my head ain't never gonna be right!!

I dont know what to do anymore...

01-26-2013, 06:43 AM
Hi when I was 17 I had constant chronic headaches I convinced myself and tried convincing my mother, I had a brain tumor, sure enough 2 Ct scans they found nothing again in my 20's that imaginary tumor returned an MRI later found nothing here I am at 35 yrs old still get headaches and guess what I DONT HAVE A TUMOR! stop reading up on everything.... I presented to my holistic Dr yesterday with all my symptoms and she said it doesn't sound like MS (her words) I didnt even mention MS but i remember thinking but I have so many of the symptoms!! Can u find a holistic Dr or a naturopath?

I will rather die than go rot in hospital waiting lines. So please let me make this clear, no more doctos and hospitals.

01-26-2013, 07:26 AM
Hi Sandy:

It is good that you also confirm vitamin D and B12 testing. However the normal test that is done for magnesium total is worthless.
They show everybody at normal levels, which is almost 100% wrong. There are much more expensive, and better tests that show the amount of magnesium deposit both in our blood and bones. As all over the world the soils have been depleted of magnesium for many reasons, foodstuffs have very little magnesium, and almost everybody is low on this substance. Therefore, magnesium supplements other than oxide, are needed. If one can not tolerate the supplements, then there is no choice but having the so called rich magnesium food.

Best of luck,

Yes you are right:) I went and got mag citrate like you had mention in another post of mine for my heart palps. I had also read where the mag helps calm nerves and palps and helps with anxiety and depression. I started it last Sunday and have only had 1-2 a day since!!! I was having them everyday all day for 7 mths! I am hoping that was it. That I was low in mag. It has even change my thinking. I am not sitting around in doom all day and it just relaxes me and my nerves and muscles. I also do epsim salt baths 3 times a week now. I am actually wanting to do things now. I also am taking a fish oil that is good for anxiety too! It's been so long since I have felt like this:)

01-26-2013, 07:32 AM
Yes well but you still didnt answer my question...

We have all tried answering your questions. YES, I get blurred vision too when I am anxious. I have a hard time driving because of how my eyes won't focus and blurry. Anxiety can do a lot of diff things. If you don't want to go to the doctor then try natural vitamins. B12, D, and Fish oil and magnesium citrate. Also, go to a vitamins shop or pharm and tell them you suffer from anxiety and depression and what they Rec you to take that is natural. You will be surprised what all there is you can buy for that. If you don't try you will never know. Just being deficient in vitamins can make you feel this way. I kNOW, I WAS! :) it's like you want us to tell you what's wrong with you, but we are not doctors! We all have said we have or have had you symptoms, everyone of them. So you need to see about supplements! Eat better:)

01-26-2013, 07:34 AM
We have all tried answering your questions. YES, I get blurred vision too when I am anxious. I have a hard time driving because of how my eyes won't focus and blurry. Anxiety can do a lot of diff things. If you don't want to go to the doctor then try natural vitamins. B12, D, and Fish oil and magnesium citrate. Also, go to a vitamins shop or pharm and tell them you suffer from anxiety and depression and what they Rec you to take that is natural. You will be surprised what all there is you can buy for that. If you don't try you will never know. Just being deficient in vitamins can make you feel this way. I kNOW, I WAS! :) it's like you want us to tell you what's wrong with you, but we are not doctors! We all have said we have or have had you symptoms, everyone of them. So you need to see about supplements! Eat better:)

Read my post again and see my question.............

1.Not blurred vision.... read all my posts please, I said I have slight dizziness all the time... when I look outside the window into the distance, I am unable to keep my body and vision still....

2. I am afraid that I have done some permanent damage to my brain chemistry by taking these ADs for so long...
I took 10mg ciraset from AUG-DEC 2011 and FEB-OCT 2012. One pill a day usually, for some period 1,5 pills.

it seems that I have to ask something 10 times here before people finally address the question.

01-26-2013, 07:41 AM
Read my post again and see my question.............

1. and not blurred motherfucking vision.... read all my posts please, I said I have slight dizziness all the time... when I look outside the window into the distance, I am unable to keep my body and vision still....

2. I am afraid that I have done some permanent damage to my brain chemistry by taking these ADs for so long...
I took 10mg ciraset from AUG-DEC 2011 and FEB-OCT 2012. One pill a day usually, for some period 1,5 pills.

Question 1!!!!!! Yes, I had dizziness all day. I could not stay still, when I would stand even sit I felt like I was so unstable. Woozy. I understand what you are saying, it's hard to put it into words but YES!!!! That is anxiety playing with your mind!!!

01-26-2013, 07:48 AM
So, you have taken antidepressants for less than a year total?

That's not going to mess you up at all. The untreated anxiety, depression and reluctance to seek professional help WILL keep you feeling like this forever.

I have been on antidepressants for a total of 11 years now - no breaks. Zoloft -> Effexor -> Lexapro -> Edronax and my brain chemistry is just fine. I do have anxiety, but I am working with a psychiatrist, psychologist, GP and my loved ones to overcome it.

One of my symptoms of anxiety is extreme dizziness and faintness. When I look at a computer screen, my eyes struggle to focus and when I look up at the sky, it's so bad I can barely keep my balance. Same goes for climbing stairs.

You need to be more polite. Dozens of people here have tried to help you and you are the one not listening to anyone.

To answer your questions in brief (in case you decide not to listen to me too)

1. Less than a year on antidepressants will not have any significant impact on your brain chemistry or your overall mental health.

2. Dizziness, vision distortion and an inability to keep still are all normal and well documented signs of anxiety. Normal. Well documented. Symptoms. I'd bet hundreds of people on this forum experience them.

01-26-2013, 07:58 AM
So, you have taken antidepressants for less than a year total?

That's not going to mess you up at all. The untreated anxiety, depression and reluctance to seek professional help WILL keep you feeling like this forever.

I have been on antidepressants for a total of 11 years now - no breaks. Zoloft -> Effexor -> Lexapro -> Edronax and my brain chemistry is just fine. I do have anxiety, but I am working with a psychiatrist, psychologist, GP and my loved ones to overcome it.

One of my symptoms of anxiety is extreme dizziness and faintness. When I look at a computer screen, my eyes struggle to focus and when I look up at the sky, it's so bad I can barely keep my balance. Same goes for climbing stairs.

You need to be more polite. Dozens of people here have tried to help you and you are the one not listening to anyone.

To answer your questions in brief (in case you decide not to listen to me too)

1. Less than a year on antidepressants will not have any significant impact on your brain chemistry or your overall mental health.

2. Dizziness, vision distortion and an inability to keep still are all normal and well documented signs of anxiety. Normal. Well documented. Symptoms. I'd bet hundreds of people on this forum experience them.


01-26-2013, 09:05 AM
Hi Skizo. You've made your choice. You have chosen to live with these symptoms. You have chosen not to get medical help and certainly have the right to do so. I believe that all of your symptoms arise from anxiety and then build upon themselves as anxiety, untreated, usually does. But you have made your choice and it's yours to live with. I wish you the best, of course, as do we all but I will not be responding to any more rude posts in which you beg for our advice and then ingnore it and go off again on your 'why me' rants. I'm done.

01-26-2013, 10:10 AM
Hi Skizo. You've made your choice. You have chosen to live with these symptoms. You have chosen not to get medical help and certainly have the right to do so. I believe that all of your symptoms arise from anxiety and then build upon themselves as anxiety, untreated, usually does. But you have made your choice and it's yours to live with. I wish you the best, of course, as do we all but I will not be responding to any more rude posts in which you beg for our advice and then ingnore it and go off again on your 'why me' rants. I'm done.

Me too.........

01-26-2013, 05:49 PM
Maybe just maybe if you stopped feeding the shit by researching every single symptom you have over and over and start telling yourself that it is just anxiety and your overstimulated nerves and put effort into fixing that then maybe just maybe you might see some improvement .

You say no one answers your question but the problem is you are not listening .

Couldn't agree more. Looking up the symptoms is so bad. I can't even describe the feeling that used to come over me when I would research a symptom. Just don't do it. It's very well known that every single thing you search is going to list every worst case scenario in the first place because no one wants that very slim chance of something bad being blamed on them.

01-27-2013, 06:07 AM
I also have blurriness/foggyness and lowered vision in one eye.......

I have been wearing glasses for years and the right eye has always been weaker but now it it is weaker even with glasses on, and gets blurry....

01-27-2013, 08:26 AM
I also have blurriness/foggyness and lowered vision in one eye.......

I have been wearing glasses for years and the right eye has always been weaker but now it it is weaker even with glasses on, and gets blurry....

this is extremely annoying and scary....

01-27-2013, 08:44 AM
im starting to think that im going blind in one eye...

01-27-2013, 08:50 AM
im starting to think that im going blind in one eye...

If you are really worried about it go to the doctor. We can't help you diagnose what is going on!

01-27-2013, 09:28 AM
For fuck sake i have sclerosis multiplex, i am pretty sure of it now.

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!????????? ??????????????!?!?????????????????????

Wow! You diagnosed it yourself? Good job.

01-27-2013, 09:33 AM


Your an atheist, why are you blaming God? Shouldn't you be blaming Satan?

01-27-2013, 09:39 AM
Your an atheist, why are you blaming God? Shouldn't you be blaming Satan?

True! .......

01-27-2013, 09:56 AM
Surely if you're atheist you don't believe in satan either?!

01-27-2013, 09:57 AM
True! .......

This guy skizo is the most hard headed individual I have ever came across with, I do wish him the best but we could only provide words of encouragement, but he doesn't listen, he keeps asking the same question over and over, but our replies are worthless to him.

01-27-2013, 10:05 AM
This guy skizo is the most hard headed individual I have ever came across with, I do wish him the best but we could only provide words of encouragement, but he doesn't listen, he keeps asking the same question over and over, but our replies are worthless to him.

I am starting to wonder if he is really serious. I mean, we all on here have issues with anxiety and depression but are all willing to try diff things and most of all we all are seeking help with many diff doctors. Maybe he is a hacker of this site. Lol. I hate to be that way but .......

01-27-2013, 10:10 AM
Surely if you're atheist you don't believe in satan either?!

Correct but he blames God, atheist don't believe in any "gods" but he chose to blame one. I preferred he blamed Satan.

God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.

01-27-2013, 10:13 AM
I am starting to wonder if he is really serious. I mean, we all on here have issues with anxiety and depression but are all willing to try diff things and most of all we all are seeking help with many diff doctors. Maybe he is a hacker of this site. Lol. I hate to be that way but .......

If he is a hacker he's a hacker with anxiety and depression lol

01-27-2013, 10:28 AM
Correct but he blames God, atheist don't believe in any "gods" but he chose to blame one. I preferred he blamed Satan.

God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.


01-27-2013, 11:08 AM
Stop this bullshit in my thread please.

I do consider and appreciate the replies I get, but for me to accept and understand my situation I just need straight forward answers to certain questions.

Anyway I have pretty much decided that I will not suffer for the rest of my life, and if my situation won't get better I will just hang myself, it is a true quote that you are only afraid of death until you realize it is the only option.

01-27-2013, 11:40 AM
Stop this bullshit in my thread please.

I do consider and appreciate the replies I get, but for me to accept and understand my situation I just need straight forward answers to certain questions.

Anyway I have pretty much decided that I will not suffer for the rest of my life, and if my situation won't get better I will just hang myself, it is a true quote that you are only afraid of death until you realize it is the only option.

Straight forward answers????? Ok then here is the straight forward answer!!! You have anxiety and depression!!! Go to the doctor and seek help!! We have told you over and over the answer but you continue to keep this going. I have told you too that my eyes do the same thing. I have seen and eye doc and I am fine except they upped my prescription on my glasses. That's it!!! And I still have days where my eyes do that.

lua piquanina
01-27-2013, 11:43 AM
Skizo, how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
You are not looking for answers -- you're looking for reassurance, a standard anxious pattern. Now, you may have realised, if you read carefully, that many of us had the same symptoms, same fears and same diagnoses. You're scared to go to the doctor, as may of us are many times. The person who doesn't go to the doctor is as anxious as the person who goes every month so do not feel too bad.
So: your questions - no one here, as you can imagine, may tell you that you are healthy. They can, however, tell you that many of them had the same feelings and body sensations. That may give you a hint that you are just suffering from anxiety.
So what should you do? It's a choice - do you want to live in misery and terror or use those people who studied seven years to be able to help people like you? You live once - do you want to change everything and give it your best choice? It is a very easy choice.
Remember, anxiety is not cancer. It's easy to treat and rarely kills anyone.

01-27-2013, 11:47 AM
Skizo, how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
You are not looking for answers -- you're looking for reassurance, a standard anxious pattern. Now, you may have realised, if you read carefully, that many of us had the same symptoms, same fears and same diagnoses. You're scared to go to the doctor, as may of us are many times. The person who doesn't go to the doctor is as anxious as the person who goes every month so do not feel too bad.
So: your questions - no one here, as you can imagine, may tell you that you are healthy. They can, however, tell you that many of them had the same feelings and body sensations. That may give you a hint that you are just suffering from anxiety.
So what should you do? It's a choice - do you want to live in misery and terror or use those people who studied seven years to be able to help people like you? You live once - do you want to change everything and give it your best choice? It is a very easy choice.
Remember, anxiety is not cancer. It's easy to treat and rarely kills anyone.

I will turn 22 next month.

Anyway, the doctors don't help I can tell you that much, at least not in my country, I believe if I change my lifestyle things will become better and if not I will hang myself, its not too bad, and especially because you don't live only once, you live forever, this life is just an experience your soul choosed for you to experience, well I think I have gotten my experience, its time to bail soon.

But lets not get into philosophy now.

lua piquanina
01-27-2013, 11:52 AM
Ignorance is the most dangerous illness of all.

lua piquanina
01-27-2013, 12:38 PM
I've looked at your prior postings and you've been very down since march 2012 at least. So I take it you haven't seen a doctor since then? Have you changed anything since then?

01-27-2013, 12:56 PM
I've looked at your prior postings and you've been very down since march 2012 at least. So I take it you haven't seen a doctor since then? Have you changed anything since then?

Doctors dont help, Ive said it enough times. I am done with doctors for the time being and see if just living a healthy lifestyle can fix me, it should if it is stress/anxiety/depression.
I have been living an extremely unhealthy lifestyle for years.

01-27-2013, 01:07 PM
I will turn 22 next month.

Anyway, the doctors don't help I can tell you that much, at least not in my country, I believe if I change my lifestyle things will become better and if not I will hang myself, its not too bad, and especially because you don't live only once, you live forever, this life is just an experience your soul choosed for you to experience, well I think I have gotten my experience, its time to bail soon.

But lets not get into philosophy now.

Your atheist bro! How the fuck do you believe you even have a soul?

Suicide is for cowards, and selfish people. It's not in any way a solution to anything. Do you even think or consider your loved ones How they and others will suffer? or you just care about yourself?

IMO God put us on this earth to accomplish life and it's ups and downs. We don't have an off and on switch. Your only 21 and very ignorant and immature. you haven't experienced a damn thing. Your soul will not chose a better life if you end yours. Your soul will chose a harder life until you face your fears and demons.

lua piquanina
01-27-2013, 01:14 PM
For cases like these, I'd think medication and cognitive behavioural therapy could definitely help. I'm not sure where you live but from your description (and sake), I assume it's lower than Congo or Angola?
Also, it seems that you have depression too.

01-27-2013, 01:23 PM
Doctors dont help, Ive said it enough times. I am done with doctors for the time being and see if just living a healthy lifestyle can fix me, it should if it is stress/anxiety/depression.
I have been living an extremely unhealthy lifestyle for years.

Good you want to live a health life style. That is a start. Now go get a great multi bit with iron, B12, magnesium citrate and vit C and fish oil. Start eating more greens, bananas for potassium, raisin brand cereal for extra mag, meats, etc. google food good for you and start doing it the healthy way. I did and I am doing so much better and not on any meds. But you have to try. I have seen you post this before so if you don't try it then its your choice. It won't happen over night. But I bet you taking the mag citrate will!

01-27-2013, 01:44 PM
Your atheist bro! How the fuck do you believe you even have a soul?

Suicide is for cowards, and selfish people. It's not in any way a solution to anything. Do you even think or consider your loved ones How they and others will suffer? or you just care about yourself?

IMO God put us on this earth to accomplish life and it's ups and downs. We don't have an off and on switch. Your only 21 and very ignorant and immature. you haven't experienced a damn thing. Your soul will not chose a better life if you end yours. Your soul will chose a harder life until you face your fears and demons.

I also was wondering how a self proclaimed atheist thinks their soul will go on forever? Whatever. Where do you live exactly? How about you give a straight forward answer of your own. I would like to know the country, because apparently medical school doesn't prepare doctors for anything over there. As if countless nights of studying for 7-8 years and hundreds if not thousands of patients before you doesn't have them prepared to help you.

Look, you are by far the most rude, and quite frankly annoying person I have seen. Every person on here has tried helping you. I have just read and not said anything, because I really hate to get involved, but I've read enough. You have nothing but straight forward answers all over this thread, but it's all you cry about. Every person has experienced this, I have DAILY for 5 months. Some days better than others. But you know what I'm better than I was cause I got a DOCTORS reassurance. Ya know, the people that chose to get the knowledge to help people like you. You want a diagnosis over the internet? NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! We all suffer from anxiety and help each other. There is no help for you on here. You don't want to hear anything. You want us to say what we think? We tell you it is anxiety. Then YOU say no omg it can't be JUST anxiety. Well then someone mentions it could be what you think and you snap cussing them about how you don't want it to be anything else.

If you think killing yourself isn't so bad, why in the world do you even care about this, then? Get a grip. Everyone has had thoughts of doing something stupid. I DO NOT encourage anything of this nature. Just seriously get an open mind, or attitude adjustment. Then if you think you can talk to us like a civilized person, then have a discussion. Have a good day.

01-27-2013, 01:51 PM
You want to know how easy it is for me to get the body shakes? I was perfectly fine before typing that, and now after typing that little rant and getting the smallest bit aggravated.. My body is shaking internally. Seriously, just accept other people know what you're talking about.

01-27-2013, 02:22 PM
I bet people who really have this disease don't whinge half as much as this guy..

01-28-2013, 09:01 AM
I am unable to be still.....do you understand? My body and eyesight both, I am unable to keep myself still and steady..... when I try to hold something in my hands I cant do it without subtle shaking..constantly......its very scary!!!!!!!!!

01-28-2013, 09:08 AM
I am unable to be still.....do you understand? My body and eyesight both, I am unable to keep myself still and steady..... when I try to hold something in my hands I cant do it without subtle shaking..constantly......its very scary!!!!!!!!!

This is the only reply I will give from now on. GO TO THE DOCTOR! And if you don't then its your choice.

01-28-2013, 09:15 AM
This is the only reply I will give from now on. GO TO THE DOCTOR! And if you don't then its your choice.


I just wanted to know what this indicates to any of you or if you can relate.

01-28-2013, 09:20 AM
Oh bore off already

01-28-2013, 09:26 AM
This is the last time I tell you people to stop stressing in my thread. If you can't just mind your own business go somewhere where the sun doesn't shine to put it nicely. This forum exists for me to get opinions of other people struggling with anxiety not you stressing in my thread.
I appreciate all replies that are to the point and I do listen to them. But I require constant confirmation, this is what anxiety does.

Anyway the subtle shaking and being unable to stand still is an anxiety/stress symptom or what?

01-28-2013, 09:29 AM

I just wanted to know what this indicates to any of you or if you can relate.

It indicates anxiety!!!! Shot nerves !!! Now that you have an answer stop with the same posts. We have all told you anxiety but you don't want to listen!

01-28-2013, 09:32 AM
It indicates anxiety!!!! Shot nerves !!! Now that you have an answer stop with the same posts. We have all told you anxiety but you don't want to listen!

To be more specific its aderiline fatigue! Your nerves are shot and you need medicine to help you relax. But since you choose not to do anything other than complain about your symptoms I can't help.

01-28-2013, 12:35 PM
When I am exercising (more specifically playing volleyball with friends) I get a really spaced-out feeling, like im not really there, but this feeling gets strong with exercise is what I have noticed..... I have no better way of putting it.

01-28-2013, 01:03 PM
When I am exercising (more specifically playing volleyball with friends) I get a really spaced-out feeling, like im not really there, but this feeling gets strong with exercise is what I have noticed..... I have no better way of putting it.

Yes because your thinking about it and out of breath from playing so you are just having an attack. Even if its a small one. It's still there. I can do that just talking to someone and feel spaced out. When I feel like that and if I try and clean the house using energy I get worse.

01-28-2013, 01:30 PM
Yes because your thinking about it and out of breath from playing so you are just having an attack. Even if its a small one. It's still there. I can do that just talking to someone and feel spaced out. When I feel like that and if I try and clean the house using energy I get worse.
Actually when I am playing I dont think about it... but I get this strange spaced-out and unable to communicate feeling in my head... I am able to play but not really think. My head gets empty... its hard to explain.

01-28-2013, 01:39 PM
Actually when I am playing I dont think about it... but I get this strange spaced-out and unable to communicate feeling in my head... I am able to play but not really think. My head gets empty... its hard to explain.

Skizo I know its hard to accept but u have too its part of anxiety I feel this way 24 7 I still haven't accepted it but I know it is :/

01-28-2013, 02:01 PM
I am committed to relieving my stress/anxiety/depression..... I will do everything in my power, and I will TRY to stay away from meds as much as possible. I will give it time and hope I will get better... my thoughts of suicide have been getting stronger recently.

01-28-2013, 02:02 PM
I am committed to relieving my stress/anxiety/depression..... I will do everything in my power, and I will TRY to stay away from meds as much as possible. I will give it time and hope I will get better... my thoughts of suicide have been getting stronger recently.

Keep ur hope that's the main thing

01-28-2013, 02:36 PM
I am committed to relieving my stress/anxiety/depression..... I will do everything in my power, and I will TRY to stay away from meds as much as possible. I will give it time and hope I will get better... my thoughts of suicide have been getting stronger recently.

Why are you scared of taking meds, they will help you get your life in track until your mentally stable to start looking for other non medical ways to help yourself.

01-28-2013, 02:47 PM
One thing that is really scaring me is that I am basically shaking all the time, when I try to just hold something in my hand it cant stand still, it is shaking mildly.... its making me think I have parkinsons...and ofcourse I have tremors all over my body and also muscle twitching.

01-28-2013, 03:10 PM
Shaking is a result of an activated fight or flight system. During intense anxiety, your body is flooded with adrenaline/epinephrine. Adrenaline is pure energy, and your body shakes as a result.

01-28-2013, 03:21 PM
One thing that is really scaring me is that I am basically shaking all the time, when I try to just hold something in my hand it cant stand still, it is shaking mildly.... its making me think I have parkinsons...and ofcourse I have tremors all over my body and also muscle twitching.

I'm going to give you as straight forward of an answer as possible with this alright. Yes I experience this. Read posts of other people, man. Do you think so many other people make posts asking about the shakes if they do not also experience them?

I have researched this. Everyone has mild tremors when they do things. The muslces in your body do it when in use, especially if you do not exert them alot. These are definitely made worse with worry. I shake when I lift fork/spoons to my mouth. I shake when I go to stand up or sit down. But you know what. I got tired of worrying about it one day and I just point blank looked up "are tremors life threatening?" The answers were NO. They are not. Just annoying. So I made a decision right there to say screw it and I have not noticed them nearly as bad since.

About the muscle twitching. I get them all the time. It's just normal. I've had them all my life and can actually very easily recall having them all my life. I worried about them at first when I started experiencing all this worrying crap, but then I realized I've always done this. If it is just an annoying twitch that comes and goes. It's fine. The only time you might have to even consider worry about this is if you have a muscle spasm that is either violent, or persistent for hours. I honestly doubt you can find a person that will say nope I've never felt my muscles twitch. When you were young did you never hear someone complain about their eye twitching, or experience it yourself? Why can't other muscles do the same? The answer is they can and do.

01-28-2013, 10:05 PM
Shaking is a result of an activated fight or flight system. During intense anxiety, your body is flooded with adrenaline/epinephrine. Adrenaline is pure energy, and your body shakes as a result.

I think it might be just that... and the fight or flight thing was triggered by alcohol... so how do i fix it now?

lua piquanina
01-30-2013, 05:56 PM
Go to the doctor

01-31-2013, 12:22 PM
I am guessing it is all related ... all my symptoms... and i truly hope they are fixable.

Also I have Body Dysmorphic Disorder, I have struggled with it for years, I think this might be the cause of all this...

01-31-2013, 12:43 PM
I am guessing it is all related ... all my symptoms... and i truly hope they are fixable.

Also I have Body Dysmorphic Disorder, I have struggled with it for years, I think this might be the cause of all this...

What is body Dysmorphic disorder?

01-31-2013, 06:10 PM
Well, Schiz, I'm going to chime back in here........Below is a brief description of body dysmorphic disorder from the Mayo Clinic:
Body dysmorphic disorder is a type of chronic mental illness in which you can't stop thinking about a flaw with your appearance — a flaw that is either minor or imagined. But to you, your appearance seems so shameful that you don't want to be seen by anyone. Body dysmorphic disorder has sometimes been called "imagined ugliness."

When you have body dysmorphic disorder, you intensely obsess over your appearance and body image, often for many hours a day. You may seek out numerous cosmetic procedures to try to "fix" your perceived flaws, but never will be satisfied. Body dysmorphic disorder is also known as dysmorphophobia, the fear of having a deformity.

Treatment of body dysmorphic disorder may include medication and cognitive behavioral therapy.
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