View Full Version : Heart Palpatations??? Help

01-18-2013, 04:11 PM
So ive been having really bad anxiety for over a month, lately my anxiety is really mild but ive been having skipped heart beats, my heart beat will just feel very irregular & i'll feel a flutter. I get them several times a day, & a few at a time. I do NOT have any pain or shortness of breath or anything like that. I'll just get random Palpitations when im walking or watching tv, & then sometimes i'll burp or hear my stomach make a gas noise & then my heart beat will be normal again? my mother says shes had heart Palpatations her whole life. But is this normal?

01-18-2013, 04:13 PM
Also when i have heart palpitations, i'll feel my pulse & it feels totally normal. So why does my heart flutter?

01-18-2013, 05:26 PM
Mine does that too. Every day since July last year.i have every heart test and they all come back fine. They say it could be caffeine or anxiety. Mine can skip every other beat for hours. I was also low on B12 and D which can cause that also. I have been doing shots of B12 and did presc D for 6 weeks. Seems to have calmed down some. How old are you? I ask because if you are older it could be hormones also like mine playing there role.

01-18-2013, 06:03 PM
Mine does that too. Every day since July last year.i have every heart test and they all come back fine. They say it could be caffeine or anxiety. Mine can skip every other beat for hours. I was also low on B12 and D which can cause that also. I have been doing shots of B12 and did presc D for 6 weeks. Seems to have calmed down some. How old are you? I ask because if you are older it could be hormones also like mine playing there role.

Yeah, im not sure what it is. I have horrible anxiety & now im dealing with irregular heartbeats. It sucks!
I just turned 20 a few weeks ago.

01-18-2013, 06:21 PM
I have heard that birth control pills help with anxiety too. It keeps the hormone balanced in some. But others it can make it worse. Heart palps stink. I am having one about every 30 beats today. It feels like a pit in my stomach like when your scared but the feeling is in my heart every time it skips. That's what gets me anxious.