View Full Version : Anxiety Supplements Review & Recommendations

01-18-2013, 07:42 AM
Hey! I'm posting this to tell you about two amazing supplements that have helped me with my anxiety and hopefully they will help you with yours. Okay, so the first one is 5-HTP. This supplement works by increasing the amount of serotonin in your brain which will help people who have depression. I have depression and this is helping me hopefully it will help you too. Also, when you take this I would take it with vitamin B6 as this will boost the effects.

Another supplement I want to talk about is acai berry which has also helped me with anxiety. This supplement works by increasing the blood flow and is a very good antioxidant which fights fatigue. Have a look here for more details on what it does:

[]globalhealingcenter.[]/natural-health/benefits-of-acai/ - remember to add the rest of the URL where the square brackets are because I couldn't post it last time.

I take 2400mg of acai berry and 300mg of 5-HTP.

a couple of other things I recommend that I haven't taked myself yet are:

Multivitamin & mineral complex
Vitamin C

Calcium 2000 mg daily - a natural tranquilizer
Magnesium 600 mg daily - relieves tension, spasms, tics
B-1 50mg 3 times daily - has a calming effect on the nerves.
B-6 50mg 3 times daily - important in the production of certain brain chemicals.
Zinc- 50 mg daily - can have a calming effect
Chromium Picolinate - 200 mcg. daily - Chromium deficiency can produce symptoms of anxiety.

I would also recommend doing some exercise as this can help with depression and anxiety, also low self-esteem which I have. I wouldn't recommend doing it before bed as you will stay awake as it makes you more active when doing exercise but helps you go to sleep better if you do it 1 to 2 hours before bed.

I hope I've helped, remember if you know of any more supplements that will help then please suggest them as people can take a look at those as well. Hope I've helped and good luck, you're not alone!