View Full Version : i need a quick solution/shortcut

01-17-2013, 10:29 PM
i need sleep and i am desperate. i usually sleep every other night (it has been like this for a few years now) and every couple weeks ill go 3 days without sleep( most of this time time is spent clawning at my face and staring at the wall or playing guitar) i keep worrying about the long term effects this has on me

the longer i am up the more my heart races and the wider my eyes get and i just keep getting more jittery. i know its stupid but im considering someinthing like putting a plastic bag over my head

im 19 and i dont have a job, ignore all my friends and never leave the house. i know its a problem and i keep putting off getting my life back to gether, telling my self that ill get around to it once i start sleeping and have a clear had

i have been on just about every benz commonly prescribed (and some that arent) and the only one that made me feel better was xanax (the rest made me go crazy before they could relax me) but my doctors dont want me going back on it because it worsens depression and they dont have any more anti depressiants to put me on (patthetic right)

most sleep meds could not put me to sleep because of my anxiety (not even xyrem) and the ones that do i grow a tollerance to extremely fast

please is there any quick fix for me. i just want to go to bed. i was hoping typing all that would put me to sleep but no. everything is getting worse and i have not been well and no doctors help me. i just feel like im not a person or im not alive or something. any thing please help me