View Full Version : Grrrr

01-17-2013, 05:34 PM
What annoys me about this anxiety game is everything can cause anything e.g your having panic attacks so u take a med then u read side affects PANIC ATTACKS and its like wtf mate

01-17-2013, 05:35 PM
Thats why i have a hard time even starting a medication, my thoughts overcome me and i get so worried it will make me worse!!!

01-17-2013, 05:37 PM
Madness right I actually would rather have a real problem that can be fucking sorted not even joking anymore couldn't god give me diabetis or summink like that not a poxy mental health issue that's never going to F off

01-17-2013, 05:45 PM
I know like tell me whats wrong so i can accept it and deal with it, this is such a trial and error and different opinions game i feel like a frigan guinea pig and half the ppl im suppost to open up to are so uncompassionate that its so degrading to me to be breaking down to these ppl. I dont know where to go for help, i dont know what to do anymore

01-17-2013, 05:47 PM
Come find me and we can bash some heads lol just do what u want that's what I do I do what I want to make me happy I have a gf and I still do what I want she has problems too so we help each other but it still don't help me cause my anxiety proper don't give me a break whatever I do take Valium it's still there going for me it's nuts

01-17-2013, 06:02 PM
I alwaya do what i want! And today is a good day, so i can talk about this much easier then when im broken down... I have a bf who ive been with for 5 yrs and he is totally mentally stable so i dont know how he deals with my psycho crying ass, i go from one extreme to the other, my thoughts r racing and i am frigan everywhere, like ugh

01-17-2013, 06:06 PM
Yeah I ended up going in hospital five days ago for two nights cause I get so fed up I go out and binge drink and think fuck it u only live once it's sad

01-17-2013, 06:19 PM
Thats totally me tn. And ive started new meds and i shouldnt be but i have no self control :((((((

01-17-2013, 06:22 PM
Thats totally me tn. And ive started new meds and i shouldnt be but i have no self control :((((((

What do u mean by self control?

01-17-2013, 06:26 PM
I know i shouldnt be drinking some

Wine tonite, but i am doing it anyways

01-17-2013, 08:55 PM
Alcohol only intensifies emotions. So never drink to feel better, only to feel even better.